the palaye house

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Emerson's pov
There was a knock on the must've been our manager. John(I don't know the name of there manager). He said something about our tour dates being swapped around. I don't know. Seb went and opened the door. Here comes John marching in with his ridiculous flamingo shorts. He always wears those godamn shorts. "I introduce you the great John himself" Remington says with a smirk. I groan. John comes in and takes a seat next to me on the couch. "Alright. So I came here to tell you guys that were touring with black veil brides!!! " John says with a smile. My heart sinks. I've always had a crush on their drummer. CC. Sebastian keeps on say em over again until I finally get out of my little daydream when Seb slaps me on the arm "huh? " I say although it's more of a question."you've been daydreaming over there for a while. Are you okay? "Seb asks. I nod. " Im gonna go have a quick smoke"I tell them and they nod. I step out on the porch and dig in my pockets for my cigarettes. I take one out of the pack a light it. I stay outside for a while until the cig is finished then I finally go back Inside. Rem asks me if he can talk to me. I nod and we go back to his room. I look around at all the posters on his walls. He just has so many. He looks at me a sighs "what's wrong? " I ask him. He tells me "I have a crush on the lead singer of the band were touring with" he says. Then he just breaks down and next thing I know he's laying on my shoulder and crying. "It's alright. I have a crush on their drummer" I say to him. "Really? " he asks. I nod.

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