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A couple of months pass somewhat quickly. I had been woken earlier this morning to attend Ravenna, which she felt horrible about. With already being tired before the process, the draining of my life caused me to be flat out exhausted. She managed to carry me to her room, to which she laid me in her bed and hoped in beside me.

I wake up to golden rays of sun shining into my eyes. I look up. Ravenna's eyes catch mine. "Someone was tired." she says as she places the book she was reading down. I groan softly. "I wonder why." I say, my voice raspy and quiet. She chuckles. "I'm sorry." she whispers. I prop myself up on my elbow and rub my face. "Don't be. I signed up for this." I tell her. She kisses my forehead. "I told the cooks to wait until you're awake to start breakfast." she tells me. I flop back onto the pillow. "Thank you." I say with a yawn. I roll towards her, my head resting on her shoulder. "Should I get someone to tell them to start?" she asks, kissing my forehead again. "Five more minutes." I whisper. "Okay, my darling."

As we sit and eat breakfast, I zone out due to still being tired. "Y/n, honey, are you there?" Ravenna asks with a smile. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head a little. "Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" I ask. She chuckles. "Don't worry about it. You need to go back to sleep." she says. I yawn. "I'll be alright." I tell her. She chuckles again. "Finish eating. You're going back to bed." she says. I yawn again. She smiles.

Later on, I wake up for the third time today. This time I wake in my own bed. I stretch as I scramble out from under the sheets. I do my hair then head out to find Ravenna. She sees me before I see her. "Y/n, honey, you're awake." she says with a smile. I nod. "I am. How long was I asleep for?" I ask. She walks over to me. "Oh, about two hours." she answers. I kiss her. "Was it a good sleep?" she asks. I nod again. "Very. I'm feeling very energized now." I answer. She smiles. "Good."

As we're eating lunch, Ravenna looks at me with confusion. "Is everything okay?" I ask. She nods. "Yes, I'm just trying to imagine you in this dress I had made." she says. I frown. "What for?" I ask. "Nothing special. Just for you to wear around." she answers. I blush. "Well, does your imagination do me and the dress wonders?" I ask. She smiles and nods. "Of course it does." I chuckle. "What does this dress look like?" I ask. "You'll see. It's a surprise." she answers with a smirk. I shake my head with a laugh. "Alright then."

After lunch is over, I grab a book I'm yet to start and head out to the garden. I seem to have found a spot where I get the perfect view of the castle gardens without getting two distracted by things going on around me. I sit down with a sigh and start reading. As my eyes skim over the words, they land on my mothers name. I smile a little, my eyes tearing up a small amount. I take a deep breath then continue reading. I wipe away the soon-to-be fallen tears.

Time flies quicker than I thought it would. A few clouds start to cover the sun. The change in lighting drags my eyes towards the sky. "Oh, it's getting late." I think to myself. Just as I'm about to get up to head into the castle, I hear footsteps. "Y/n, honey, there you are. Come, the dress is ready. I want to see you in it." she says. I stand, the book in hand. "Of course, My Queen." I say. I don't even think before the words come out. Ravenna's eyes widen as she smiles. So much for her never being my Queen.

She offers me a hand to which I take, once again not thinking. She leads me inside. "My Queen, aye?" she asks, a smirk on her face. "Shh, and stop smirking. It'll become permanant." I tell her. She laughs. I roll my eyes. She kisses my cheek and heat flows through me, coating my skin in a pink blush. "Just take me to this bloody dress." I tell her. She nods. "Of course, my love. This way." she says. I nod, a smile threatening to make an appearance. I fight it away.

She leads me into a room. The dress instantly catches my eye. "There is it." Ravenna announces. My jaw drops. I make an embarrassing attempt to talk. "Do you like it?" she asks. I remove my arm from hers and walk over to it. I gently take a sleeve in my hand. The dark red silk fabric feels like it'd be worth the price of gold against me skin. I gasp at the feeling. I study the details. Ravenna walks over to me and stops behind me to my left. I look back at her. "What's this for?" I ask. She smiles. "Nothing, seriously. I just wanted to get a dress made for you as a thanks." she explains.

The wideness of my smile somehow manages to increase. I let go of the fabric and turn, pulling her into an embrace. She wraps her arms around my waist as mine go behind her neck. I pull back after a while and cup her face. "I love it." I say. I kiss her. She smiles into the kiss. We both pull back for a breath. "I'm glad you like it, my darling." she says. I kiss her again. "Thank you." I mutter against her lips. "You're welcome." she mutters against mine. She pulls back, my lips chasing hers a little. "Right, do you want to try it on?" she asks. I nod, excitedly. She chuckles. I kiss her once more. "Of-fucking-course I do." I say, the giddiness audible in my voice.

I slide into the dress, the fabric feeling like it was made for my skin. "Honey, can you zip it up at the back for me please?" I ask, making eye contact with Ravenna through the mirror in front of me. She smiles with a nod. "Of course, my darling." she answers. She walks forward. Just when I think she's going to zip it up, I feel a pair of cold hands on my upper back. I shudder at the feeling. She slowly trails them downward. She leans in and plants her lips on my lower neck. I gasp. I squeeze me eyes closed. She kisses down my back until she reaches my waist. "You're so beautiful." she says, her voice quiet. I smile.

She zips the dress up and spins me around. She grips my waist a little more tightly than before. As I'm stood on a stool she has to look up at me. "God, you're so beautiful." she repeats. I smile with a small sigh. I cup her face one again and kiss her. "Thank you, my love, but when was the last time you looked in a mirror?" I reply. She smiles into the kiss. "My beauty, although it's magic-made, will never and could never compare to that of your natural beauty. You are beyond gorgeous. Nothing and no one could ever or will ever compare." she tells me. I blush I kiss her again, this time oozing with passion. "Thank you, my love." I whisper into the kiss. "You're very welcome."

"Are you going to wear it now?" she asks. I take a second to think then shake my head. "No, I want to save it for a special occasion." I tell her. She smiles. "Okay." she says. I turn around to face the mirror. She unzips the dress. She slides the fabric off my shoulders and it bunches at my waist. I step off the stool. She rests her hands on my waist then moves them over my stomach. She steps in so her stomach is right up against my bare back. She kisses just below my ear. "God, you're insanely stunning." she whispers.

The feeling of her warm breath on my skin causes me to shudder slightly. She kisses the same spot again. She starts kissing downward. I squeeze my eyes shut and lean my head back a little. "Ah, Ravenna." I moan. I can feel her smirk on my neck. "Yes, my darling?" she asks. "M-more." I manage. She chuckles and continues kissing. "As you wish, my love."

As Ravenna spins me to face her, there's a knock at the door. "Your Majesty, is everything okay in there?" A guard calls. "Shit." I mutter. Ravenna kisses me once more. "Yes, everything is fine." she replies. I can hear the footsteps disappear down the corridor. "We're going to be here all day at this rate." I say. I can feel my heart racing. "Fine by me." Ravenna says. She pulls me towards her, her chest against my bare one. I bring my hands to her hair, combing my fingers through her soft blonde locks. I kiss her forehead. She smiles. "I know it is, but I'm getting cold." I say. She bends down and kisses my chest. "Okay, fair enough."

I change back into the dress I got into this morning and we leave the room, our arms linked. "I can still feel your lips on my skin." I whisper as we walk past some guards. Ravenna smirks. "Do you want me to replace the feeling with the real things?" she asks, speaking louder than she should've. I gasp and pull her into a dark room. I close the door and push her up against it. Her eyes widen as her smirk fades into a smile. "Be quiet." I say. "Why should I?" she asks. "Because-" I start. She grips my waist and turns us so my back is now against the door.

"Because?" she questions. Everything I was going to say leaves my head. "Why, honey? Because..." she teases. I groan as I reach my hands to the back of her neck and pull her in. "You're such an ass. I hate you." I mutter against her lips. "Yeah, because this is what I call hate." she says, pulling back a little. I pull her back in straight away. "Just keep fucking kissing me." I tell her.

She manages to hoist me up and I wrap my legs around her waist. "I have to say, I love the definition of hatred you have, darling." she says. I roll my eyes. She connects our lips again. "Stop pulling away. Keep kissing me." I say. "Of course, my love." she says. Her teeth tug gently on my bottom lip. A moan escapes my mouth. "Someone likes that." she mutters against my lips. "Mhm." I hum. She smirks into the kiss. "I crave this insanity more than anything."

A.N: Yes, it's been a week since the last part. No, we're not going to talk about it.

Never Ending Youth {Queen Ravenna / Reader}Where stories live. Discover now