The Adventure begins

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A/N: Happiness to actually finally posting this. Many may ask, why did you delete a perfectly good story and decide to rewrite it? The answer would be that I did not like the way it was going or the way that Colombia was developing. So here is the first of who knows how many chapters. Next chapter will be about Spain and the rest of the Tomato gang the same morning at the same time. Yes I'm aware that there are things such as time zones, but this Hetalia and it is defies the laws of everything. I will try updating soon, but be patient with me. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Morning always comes with change. It brings new challenges as well as new opportunities to advance in life. This morning was like all the others before it. The sun was still hidden behind the cover of dark clouds, the fresh dew was delicately undisturbed on the pavement, and the mothers were beginning to wake their children for another day of learning as their husbands and themselves got ready for work. The people's lives was full of problems and corruption, yet they still faced  the new day face on with hope for the future.

One such person was the president of this beautiful country. He was was a man adored and respected by his people, as well as trusted and feared by his admirals. Like all the leaders before him, his hair was beginning to turn gray, even though he was only middle aged. The stress of the job was getting to him, taking care of a nation was not an easy task.

At the moment, he was in a brand new sleek car with his two new body guards sitting in each side of him as they headed to an unknown location. The car itself was bulletproof and had suicide doors. It was well protected from the outside world, but you could never be too careful. To make sure that no one was following them, there was a car identical to theirs was heading in the complete opposite direction. This was not just for the president's protection, but for the protection of of the person who he was meeting with.

The shiny black car traveled across the capital city, the people began to get out of their houses, ready to begin another day. As the sun showed it's face from behind the clouds, the president and his entourage arrived at the mysterious location in the outskirts of the city.

Their destination was a house hidden in plain view by the surrounding forest. The house was impressive, it was bigger than the president's house, and older as well, for it was designed in the Spanish architecture that was used during the country's colonial days.* There was no gate and no security, but the house let out a threatening aura to those who dared try to enter. The new bodyguards, who had been in the military and had seen many of their friends die in combat, could not help but feel afraid from the house. The had to fight the strong urge to turn around and start running.

"You can stay here, there is no need for you to enter with me." said the president quietly and calmly as he made his way up the impressive stairway. The guards were more than happy to oblige. The president walked up to the large wooden door and took out an ancient key that was hidden in his pocket. He unlocked the door and opened it with a loud creaking sound to reveal an almost completely modern decor.*  The house in the inside was comfortable and clean, with no sign of disorganization anywhere. Of course those were only the living room and dining room that looked like that.

As he traveled further down the house, the house began to change completely. There began to be books everywhere, dirty coffee mugs laying on top, wild animals running around, and stuffed animals were in all the surrounding rooms. The house looked as though a workaholic with too many kids lived in the house.

The president made his way up to the second floor towards the master room. The door was just as impressive as the front door, with it's intricate designs form the country's naive people. As the mighty door opened up, the smell of roses and coffee suffocated him.*  It was so overpowering, that the president had to grab a handkerchief to be able to breath. He made his way towards thee king sized bed in the middle of the room, careful not to step in any of the books clustered around the room or any of the sleeping animals.

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