Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first book on Wattpad.  I hope it's good enough to read. Anyways, Let's get to the story! :D

W/N: Warg name

Your POV:

         I rode through the forest on a warg I had stolen from an orc that I believed was supposedly dead but was sleeping and wounded."HEY, YOU! GET BACK HERE WITH MY WARG!" The orc roared, I looked back and the warg must have sensed my fear as he ran faster to escape. We soon lost the orc because he was shot with an arrow from the midst of the woods. "To Rivendell, W/N!" I yelled in victory. W/N grunted as he threw me off of his back. 

Upon being thrown to the ground and my hair getting thrown into the sight of the eye holes of my mask, I shrieked, "W/N! That was rude!".  Sitting on my knees with a wince, I stood up. Blood was running down from my scraped knees, "Are you alright, mellon? You are not hurt, Am im correct?" I looked up at the Ellon in front of me whom I knew as Lord Elrond. "Yeah, I'm alright, just scraped nin knees ir nin warg threw nin off -o hon back, (Yeah, just scraped my knees when my warg threw me off of his back)" I replied in Sindarin.  

            After a few minutes of walking, we got to the garden gates where a meeting seemed to be held at that current moment. Lord Elrond turned to me, "Ceri- cin know whui im called cin hi? (Do you know why I called you here?)", I shook my head in confusion, "Na deliver messages? (To deliver messages? )", he shook his head and chuckled as he motioned for me to follow him, "Tul-, Y/N (Come, Y/N)." I walked in and saw a shocking sight, There were other creatures of Middle Earth, all sitting in a circle, meanwhile, 3 hobbits were either hiding around in the bushes or behind the walls of the entrance to the Council.  

I don't know if Lord Elrond had acknowledged them, as I looked around in wonder and shock. My hands reached for my face, but the wooden mask strapped over my face for so long made me forget I had my wooden cover on. I then heard gasps and a nudge on my shoulder from a wet nose. I looked up at W/N and petted the top of his head as I moved forward with W/N trailing behind me.

            I heard whispers and saw people whispering to each other and then finally noticed the hobbit that was sitting on a bench in fear, I felt an aura coming from him. He was scared and cautious, this is his first time at a meeting with Lord Elrond anyways


        An uproar soon broke out about who was going to destroy the ring in Mordor during the meeting. As I watched, I wished I had a few snacks and something to drink due to how hungry I was. It was almost entertaining to watch, "I will take it! ", said the hobbit, who previously sat nervously, now stood with anxiety, and a recent sense of confidence. As everyone was not paying attention to him, he appeared to be breathing heavily. I stood up and shouted, "BE QUIET!" Everyone stopped and turned to look at me while I nodded toward the hobbit whose name I assumed was Frodo.  

He looked confident now that he had everyone's attention. "I will take the ring to Mordor." he paused to look at everyone, "Although I do not know the way." He got quieter with each word. I nodded, while Gandalf approached replying, "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins." He put his left hand on Frodo's shoulder and I could see a soft light in the Grey wizard's blue eyes. ", As long as this must bear." The wizard added. Aragorn spoke up, "By my life and death, I can protect you." He paused and walked over to Frodo and the wizard. He nodded as he knelt to the hobbit's level, "You have my sword." 

"And you have my bow." 

"And my axe." I stood from my seat, "You have my guidance and good fortune." Boromir began to approach slowly but surely, "You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done." The chubby hobbit with red hair rushed up and out of the tall grass, grunting. "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me!" he exclaimed. 

Lord Elrond replied, "No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret Council and you are not." Lord Elrond smiled as he finished his sentence. The other two hobbits from behind the walls quickly waddled up the stairs, "Oi! We're coming too! You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us." I giggled from underneath my wood-carved mask. The other one of the two spoke up this time, "Anyway ... you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission ... quest ...thing... " The other hobbit that had run up the stairs with whom I could assume was Pippin spoke up again, "Well, that rules you out, Pip." 

Elrond sighed and smiled as he announced, "10 companions ... so be it. You shall be the FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING." Pippin smiled with enthusiasm, " Great! where are we going?"


as I sat at a nearby pond in Rivendell, I heard the voices of the few hobbits who volunteered to go with Frodo Baggins to Mordor to destroy the Ring. "It's you! You're the woman who decided to  join The Fellowship!" I chuckled and nodded, "Of course, and you three are?" Two of the hobbits approached and introduced themselves, one was taller and the other shorter but both the ones with mischief and curiosity in their eyes were slim. The chubby hobbit with blonde hair had a glimpse of suspicion shining in his brown eyes if he had gotten any closer, I would bite.

The taller hobbit spoke, "I'm Merry Brandybuck, and this is my cousin, Pippin Took." Pippin shuffled a little closer to where I sat and held out his hand, I shook his hand kindly repaying the gesture. I moved my mask up so I could see the hobbits better. "And what about him?" I pointed at the chubby hobbit. He jumped a little realizing I'd been staring back, I stood up and walked over to him and turned his head to me so he could look straight at me, and poked him in the stomach playfully and lightly before stepping back and stretching my hand out to him, "I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you." I spoke reassuringly. 

He opened his mouth and spoke, "I'm Samwise Gamgee, I'm Frodo Baggin's gardener." He shook my hand. I grinned widely as if I hadn't grinned enough. "See! I don't bite." My canine teeth showed as I grinned.  I hummed as I turned on the heels of my leather boots to go pick up my satchel with barely any message scrolls and my bag full of food that I had recently replenished for my travels.

I then picked up my book, sketchbook, and makeshift pencil, and made sure my sword was in my sword holder. "Aragorn must be looking for us, let's be on our way." I walked past them and turned as they seemingly were making sure that they had everything they needed, "Shall we?" I asked. They all nodded and followed after me on the way to Aragorn. 

The beauty behind the mask; Samwise Gamgee x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now