Chapter Seven

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Though relieved, grateful the plague hadn't followed them to the outpost, Abby was stunned at what was said. So too was Baron Ren, his face turning as pale as a ghost.

'A chimera?' gasped Abby. 'But how is that possible? They went extinct thousands of years ago with all the other ancient creatures. It just can't be.'

Baron Ren didn't answer, his demeanor turning. 'Who saw it?' he demanded, his voice on the verge of anger. 'Did Princess Edina see it? Tell me.'

'Her and all the hunters saw it,' replied the soldier with the dented helmet.

Gazing down, Abby noticed Baron Ren had started to shake, his hands trembling, but he caught her stare, sending her looking away.

'We came here for a purpose,' he then said. 'Let's get making Star Flash. I don't know if it will do any good against a chimera but it's all we can mix with the ingredients we have.'

And the two got to it, taking out the contents of their satchels.

'Let's make one and test it out first,' Baron Ren said as he unscrewed an empty jar.

'So, it's one part halo crystal shards and wingwoc silk, two parts giant barbedbug wax, and four parts red powder,' Abby said.

'Yes, that's it. And in precisely that order. We also don't need too much.'

Abby nodded.

Moments later, she was sprinkling five pinches of shards into the empty jar. She then grabbed a few silks, pulled them apart until there was a heap in her hand and placed them inside too. The wax came next, the thick oozy blue substance frothing on contact. And lastly was the red powder.

Giving it all a mix, Abby watched as the ingredients blended with ease, the first sign that she had mixed everything correctly. She then kept on staring, waiting for the next indication.


The jar fizzed and hissed to Abby's relative delight. Then with one final bubble, the brew turned a translucent glowing orange and solidified.

Baron Ren said, his ire vanishing. 'Well done.'

'I thought the ingredients wouldn't be fresh enough,' replied Abby.

'A good potion maker can work with anything, but the biggest test is to see if it works. Would you like to do the honors?'

'Definitely. Where should I throw it?'

'Down to the forest floor would probably be best.' Baron Ren then shouted to the volunteer soldiers, 'We're about to test out a stunning potion before us. Either look away or cover your eyes. And do it now.' He turned back to Abby and said, 'On you go.'

With a heave, Abby tossed the Star Flash over the soldiers and quickly turned away. She heard the jar shatter below before a sharp wave ruffled her back and hair. And despite closing her eyes, a bright light infiltrated her senses.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

Tensing up, Abby shrieked, 'What was that?'

But once the light vanished, she opened her eyes and saw six volunteer soldiers on the floor, out cold, others quick to tend to them.

'Leave them,' Baron Ren said. 'They'll come to in a bit. Keep your bows ready.'

The volunteer soldiers who had dropped their weapons to help picked them back up and raised them once again.

'Why didn't they heed your warning?' Abby breathed to Baron Ren, forgetting but quickly remembering the reason.

'I'm surprised more didn't,' Baron Ren replied. 'But now we know it works.'

Abby and the Mad Prince's Son. The Outpost: Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now