8 - Watercolour Lies

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The breeze of fresh air hit my overheated face as I walked out of Clearwater's police department, hand in hand with her beside me. All of our parents leaned up against their parked cars crossing their arms waiting for us.

They said nothing but their facial features could fill an entire novel of thoughts.

Jason's father waited by his red pick up truck beside Zoe's parents. I looked to my left noticing Alison's mother talking to Patrick and Maggie, my parents nowhere in sight.

"Maddy I texted your parents that we would pick you up and will take you to dinner with us." Maggie says, putting her arm around me guiding me into the car.

"Oh okay thank you." I said opening the door and seeing Finn already sitting in the back. I crouched down into the car and sat in the middle between Billie and her brother.

The three of us squished into the back like little kids getting dropped off at school. Billie and I kept our head down the entire ride since we knew they had something to say about all of this mess. The car came to a break as the engine stopped outside of their family restaurant.

We shut the heavy car doors and made our way into the dark wooded building sitting down at the table we always sat together when we came here.

"So are we having dinner? I'm starving." Billie laughs trying to break the award silence, plus we haven't eaten since morning .

"Patrick can you please go make the girls something quick while I talk to them?" Maggie says taking a seat Infront of us and beside her son at the booth we sat at. Patrick nods and walks into the kitchen.

"So?" Maggie looks at us with her never ending glare.

"So what?" Billie says trying to act normal.

"Would the two of you like to explain why they are questioning you for Robin's disappearance?" She leans back, folding her arms.

"We don't know where she is." She says as I begin to feel her leg twitching and shaking nervously beside me.It's one thing to lie to police and strangers , but with parents it's a million times harder.

"Billie....Maddy...." She points her finger towards us. "Do you both promise you had nothing to do with this? And that if you knew where she was you would tell us right?" Maggie stares at us down.

"We promise." The two of us say in unison.

"Because if something happened and I found out the two of you were involved in any way-"

"Mom! We didn't do anything okay! God can you chill!" An annoyed Billie raises her voice after we get accused of something we secretly knew we did.

"Do you know what would happen if people found out that you guys all got called in for questioning months after Robin left town?! For all we know she might not even be alive right now Billie...I just need the two of you to be safe." Maggie's voice changes tones as she brushes her hair behind her ear trying to calm down.

"Mom...you really think we would do something to our friend? Someone I have known for years?" Billie gaslights the poor woman Infront of us, I know she feels like shit for lying to her mom right now, I know I do.

"No I never said I think you two would do something like that....but if you girls know anything you better tell me right away." Maggie says standing up.

"Okay well we dont mom." She snaps back at her.

"Maddy?" Maggie looks into my eyes tilting her eyebrows up trying to see if I was lying to her.

"We really don't know anything." I say quietly.

"Okay." She sighs. " I'm going to go help your father in the kitchen, dinner will be ready in a few minutes." The woman looks at me very stressed out with this whole mess, making me feel even more guilty than I already am.

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