Prologue YN's Creation Palpatine's Plot & Destruction

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Darth Sidious is currently working on a top secret project that would give him immortality and a powerful new body he gets DNA from Darth Revan Tenebrae /Vitiate /Valkorion Kreia / Darth Traya Bastila Shan Satele Shan Tarre Vizsla Shae Vizsla aka Mandalore the Avenger Mandalore The Ultimate Canderous Ordo aka Mandalore The Preserver Terrak Morrhage Dread Master Bestia Darth Bane Darth Zannah Darth Sion Tulak Hord Naga Sadow Marka Ragnos The Emperor's Wrath & Exar Kun who was frozen in stasis their force essence protected YN when Palpatine tried to possess his body and they took all of his knowledge and destroyed his soul with all of their combined powers then all of their knowledge powers and abilities transferred into YN suddenly the chief imperial scientist arrives and sees the clone outside of his tank thinking Palpatine succeeded in his task he says what is your number YN replies Clone Number 79555-0001 the scientist says welcome to the empire supremacy but right as he goes to leave YN snaps his neck with the force then escapes after hiding his body and taking his uniform and key card now YN is heading to the hanger bay to meet with his pilot Juno Eclipse he uses a mind trick on her and they flee the facility along with several other prisoners in Bacta Tanks now they set the facility to self-destruct in ten minutes then they fly into hyperspace and head for the planet Naboo and they live in the Palpatine Family Estate in secret while plotting to slowly defeat the rebellion and the empire and rebuild it to his image End of the Prologue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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