Chapter 41

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I'm really not your cub
Turn off the lights

Chapter 41

    The long-distance race began soon. The 3000-meter long-distance race required players to run 7 and a half laps around the playground. This is a project that is more patient, so everyone in the first lap is not particularly fast. Lin yi adjusts his breath and follows the big The position behind the army.

    Han Jin’s sports bottom is strong. After the referee fired, he ran ahead of his forefront. He thought the sports would drive him out of his mind with other ideas, but when he thought of the people behind him, there was Lin Yi. His attention cannot be completely on running, always thinking about the person behind.

    Like fighting against something, Han Jin did not stop, but kept running at an slow speed.

    In two laps, in the third lap, Han Jin's eyes showed that familiar figure.

    The movement of the forest millet is very standard. Whether it is an arm or a running posture, it is impeccable, but his speed is slowed down. It seems that the forest millet can hear some heavy breathing sound across the old Han Jin.

    ——I want you to look at me

    This sentence appeared again in Han Jin's mind. He didn't know why Lin Yi said this, but after realizing that his eyes fell on Lin Yi again, Han Jin turned his head and ran away from Lin Yi.

    Yao Xianliang's indignation: “ Han Jin is too good, directly surpassing the players behind. ”

    Gao Zhuo is helping relatives. His eyes have always been on Lin Yi. Some people disagree: “ has not yet reached half. It is not a wise choice for him to run out of energy now. Real smart people will save power now. ”

    Yao Xianliang also noticed the forest millet around Han Jin. He was a little worried: “ Run 3000 meters school committee. Is he really good? ”

    Gao Zhuo is not happy: “ What are you talking about?If you do it, you go!Why didn't you see you sign up before? ”

    Yao Xianliang smiled and admitted his mistakes, and then envy the girls who looked at the sides of the runway to cheer for the forest millet: “The school committee is really popular, and the girls in other classes are cheering for him. ”

    Gao Zhuo put his finger on his head: “ Don’t envy you, just go to the school committee’s indulgent attitude towards girls, how could it not be welcome. Can you do the rabbit dance at the opening ceremony? ”

    Yao Xianliang waved his hand and refused Sanlian. He could not accept the look of being dressed up with plush props.

    They didn't say long, and their attention returned to Han Jin and Lin Yi. Both were fighting for the honor of Class 11, and the two cheered them with the voice of the girl.

    Strange to say, the speed of the Minglin has slowed down, like a sign of physical weakness, but when Han Jin surpassed him, he was like being physically buffed, and the speed was slowly raised up. They also caught up with their two players.

    Lin Yi's sight is very focused on the front, more precisely the direction of Han Jin. When sports consume most of his physical strength, only the purest idea left in his mind —— wants to get closer to Han, Come closer.

    The forest millet has changed from breathing to breathing. The beating heart knocked a bit of pain in his heart, but his eyes still looked at Han Jin's back in a blink of an eye.

    At least 50 meters between Hanjin and Lin Yi. In Lin Yi's line of sight, Han Jin's back is blurry and small. The footsteps of Lin Yi have not stopped, but gradually he found that the back became more and more clear.

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