How you guys met!

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Word count: 1,311

Team Stan:

Stan Marsh:

You had moved to South Park a few weeks ago and were making friends quickly. Surprisingly, You and Cartman were really good friends. Cartman decided to introduce you to his friend group.

"Hey fatass, who's this?" A boy who was wearing a green hat and an orange coat greeted.

"This is Y/N, and I'm not fat Kahl!" He repiled.

"Yeah. Suuuureee." He snickered, "Anyways, I'm Kyle."

A muffled voice could be heard next to you, you looked up and seen a boy in an orange parka.

"Kinny take off your hood!" Cartman snarled.

"Oh sorry, my bad. I'm Kenny. Nice to meet a pretty lady like you here." He repiled. (Forgot to mention your a female in this.)

"Don't flirt with her off the bat, McWhoremick!" Kyle told him.

"Ah whatever..."

You ignored the three boys that were chatting away and looked over to see another boy. He had caught your eye though, he had a red and blue hat and a brown coat.

He took notice of you staring and he decided to talk to you.

"Oh hey dude" He greeted.

"O-oh hi! I'm Y/N. Sorry for staring at you" You apologized and gave a weak smile, you were caught off guard when he spoke to you.

"Stan Marsh, nice to meet you. And that's alright."

"Nice to mee-" you were cut off by him puking onto your shoes.

"Better get used to this.." You sighed.

Kenny McCormick:

You heard his name everywhere you went, "Oh did you hear about Kenny?" one person would whisper. "Oh yeah! I heard he ________ last week" another person would whisper.

You rolled your eyes whenever he'd be mentioned.

"Why does everyone talk about him?" You'd think to yourself whenever you'd overhear someone talking shit.

You always knew that McCormick was a pervert, a fuckboy, and all that other shit.
You just never thought that he'd be at your house.

"What you want, McWhoredick?" You told him, bitterness in your tone.

He gave you a stupid smirk and looked into your E/C eyes.

"You know why I'm here." He snickered.

"No. I do not." You bluntly told him.

He snickered and said, "My friends made a bet that if I could get with the hottest girl in the school, I'll get 20 bucks. I know you overheard them because I saw you around the corner."

Your ears got red because of what he said, were you really the hottest girl in the school? And he caught you eavesdropping?

You looked Kenny in his eyes and snickered, "Fine then. But you better treat me right if you want me!"

Kyle Broflovski:

You and Kyle had a few classes together but never really interacted that much, but your lockers were right next to each other. You both knew each other's names however.

One day, you decided to try to have a conversation with him. You were walking over to find him when Cartman came running and knocked you over.

You were holding your books in your hands and had dropped them when he came, they flew out of your hands as you fell to the ground with a harsh THUD! You hit your head on the tiled floor and your vision got blurry, the last thing you seen was a boy who had a green hat with his ginger curls sticking out and his orange coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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