Welcome, to our family

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It was almost 3 am by the time they reached Clint's family farm. All the Avengers decided (with little persuading from Clint) that they would take some time off and relax at Clint's home where they would be able to get away from all their problems and issues. The jet landed far out onto the field and the team sluggishly walked off and towards the house. Clint was about to follow when he noticed Wanda still on the jet. She was laying down on her side fast asleep. Peacefully he noticed. Clint understood better than anyone that sooner or later she wouldn't be having a peaceful nights sleep anymore. Therefore with out thinking twice he walked over to Wanda and gently picked her up. He wrapped his arms around the back of her neck and under her knees and carried her off and towards his family.When Clint got closer he could see his wife anxiously waiting for him on the porch that he built not even a year before. She gave him a questioning look as she saw him head right past her and into the house. Clint delicately laid Wanda down onto the couch and covered her with a blue and white blanket.
Clint then turned towards his wife and gave her a quick kiss and hugged her tight.
"Laura, we need to talk about the twins" Clint said nervously.
"What is it?" His wife asked with a worry written on her face.
"You remember how I told you one of them didn't make it back from the battle against Ultron? Well Wanda has no where to go and no one to take care of her" he tells Laura frantically, as his own heart clenches at the mention of the twin who lost his life saving him.
"She can stay with us as long as you swear she is not a threat to our family"she responds while looking at the young girl sleeping on their couch.
"I swear. She might not even be here for long, she just needs a place that is loving and caring, So I instantly thought of you ." Clint says while wrapping his arms around her and her pregnant stomach.
"Then I see no problem with her staying with us" Laura whispers into Clint's ear before kissing him on the lips.
Laura quickly rushed up stairs when she heard a loud whine coming from one of her child's rooms. Clint took this moment to sit on the arm rest of the couch where the youngest Maximoff slept. He softly ran his fingers through her hair and whispered in her ear,
"Welcome to our family" before kissing her on the forehead and silently getting up and
Walking upstairs where his wife waits for him.

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