My piggy head canons

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I have some head canons to piggy

Evalia is facist

Evalia was founded by the British in 1796

Evalia was a penal colony from 1799 - 1867 (Similar to Australia)

Evalia fought in World War 1 and World War 2

Evalia was bombed by Germany for 6 days and nights known as "The Evalia blitz" in 1940

Evalia gained independence in 1994

Evalia goes into civil war from 1995 - 2001

Mr. P is elected as leader in 2001

Evalia joins NATO in 2004

Evalia fights alongside with American and other NATO countries in the War on Terror

Evalia is allies with Russia and China

Mr. P is a dictator

Ms. P died in 2020

The infection began in 2020

The infection ended in 2022

William survives the infection and is in his early adult years

Willow is allergic to peanuts

Zizzy is alive

Dilly: The great war is connected to piggy

The insolence is a cult

Evalia is off the coast of Scotland

Evalia has an RAF base

Willow may or may not be in love with rash

Willow rides a motorcycle

Willow sometimes dreams about her parents, William or Daisy.

(Hope you enjoy my head canons.)

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