Chapter 11

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"What about this one?" I pull out a mini black dress which I had only worn once for some party. It did show a lot of skin and stopped just above the middle of my thigh. It was made of silk and was supported by two spaghetti straps over the shoulder. It was gorgeous, I vividly remember feeling overwhelmed from all the stares I received at the event but I knew it was too much and Josh's face said it all...

"Liv you're joking right? You are definitely NOT wearing that tonight." Josh gave a disgusted glance at the dress as if it was the most hideous piece of clothing. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as it was one of the only options to wear for the event tonight.

Me and josh were invited to a big party hosted by the one and only Frankie.  We obviously couldn't say no as we knew we'd regret it, so we happily agreed to attend which leads this to me and josh deciding what outfit I'm going to wear. I never knew it would be this hard but with Josh being too protective over what I wear it is practically impossible.

"Joshhhhhh you know this is like the last option." I whined, I was getting frustrated at his draining feedback.

"You can't wear that Liv, can you not see how short it is?" He was sat at the edge of my bed giving death stares at me.

"I get that but we've gone through almost every single article of clothing I own. Can't you just let this one slide, just for tonight?" I pouted as I held up the dress a bit more to try and convince him that it isn't too bad.

Josh sighed in defeat, "I know that Liv, but the idea of multiple dickheads staring at you at the party and thinking that they even have a chance to touch you makes me internally vomit. I don't want to be insensitive but I just don't want you to go through any more problems that are related to that. I don't want you experiencing that again, alright?" He stared at me with guilt in his eyes, I gave him a knowing look because I of course understand what he's trying to say. I'm happy that he's being this protective over me and that he cares for me and I know why. I let myself get irresponsible and vulnerable and suffer the consequences, it could easily happen again.

"I understand, but what if I just put a jacket on top and stick with you throughout the whole party. I think it'll make us both feel better knowing we're by each others side." I waited for a response as I watched Josh mess with his curls, a common thing he does whilst he's deep in his thoughts.

"Fine, but you have to stick with me. Do not wander off without telling me and try not to engage with strangers." I slightly blushed at his serious tone but I quickly nodded in agreement.

"Let me go change." I walked towards my bathroom, grabbing this blazer type jacket and black platform heels on the way. I left Josh laying on my bed with him scrolling through his phone.

It took me almost an hour to get ready, but can you really blame me? I had to do my hair and makeup and sort out my outfit until I was satisfied with how it looked. It had been a long time since I looked this glammed up and I have to admit I actually looked hot for once.

My make-up wasn't too extra or boring, I made sure it correlated to my outfit and it was glossy. My hair was simple, I only curled it because I knew the earrings would simply grab the attention as they are very bold. Of course my jewellery matched with the gold earrings but they were also not that extra. I quickly put on my gold watch and draped my jacket over my shoulders and stepped out the bathroom.

I instantly grabbed Josh's attention as he turned his head towards me, silence filled the room as he just stared at me with his mouth slightly agape.

"Is it too much for the party?"

"No, no it's definitely not too much, you look incredibly breathtaking."

"I could tell by your reaction." I giggled out.

"Good, you deserve to know how incredible you look." He winked as he continued to look at me up and down. He still seemed starstruck, I couldn't control my blush which creeped upon my skin.

"Oh my gosh quit staring, I get it I look good now let's go." I grabbed him by his hand to pull him up but I couldn't even let go as we began to walk out my room as he intertwined his fingers with mine. I blushed as I looked down to see his big hand clasping my small one, I trailed slightly behind him which gave me the chance to admire over his built arms. I felt slightly weird blushing over these little things about him but I'm an older person now which means I have certain needs. It feels so wrong to have this mindset especially about Josh but we both know there's something floating between us and it is definitely not a friendly one.

I noticed how we were both matching again, I guess we both have a thing for black as Josh is wearing a buttoned top with his sleeves slightly rolled up to his elbow. He wore matching pants which perfectly fit him and of course he was wearing his converse. It was a classic Josh outfit in which i never got tired of.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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