Of course

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Freedom. I've missed it so much.

Part of being made an official executive is that they finally trust me enough to let me come and go as I please. I just have to be able to return within 30 minutes if they need me. Seeing as how I don't have any useful skills outside of my brain, it's unlikely they'll ever need me in a hurry.

What I don't get to do is drive the cars. They insist that I use a driver/bodyguard. And, since I won't carry a gun, I have to carry a knife, which is currently strapped to my inner thigh. I am positive I won't need it where I'm heading right now, which is to meet Chifuyu and Kazutora for dinner.

"My boys!"

"Hey Nishi!" They stand up from the table to give me hugs.

"You look stunning," Kazu says.

"Yeah, you would too if you had all these designer clothes. I mean these shoes alone!" And I put out my leg, showing off the heels, then realize my leg doesn't look so bad in them.

"Nishi, it's not the shoes! It's you," Chifuyu says, kissing my cheek.

"Huh. Waka has been working me really hard lately."

"Waka, huh? Working you hard?" Kazu says with a raised brow.

"Shut up Kazu! You know what I mean."

And we all laugh and enjoy dinner together. They catch me up on their wedding plans, and I tell them little bits and pieces of my secret life.

"By the way, your last test results came back clean. Who else are you fucking besides Ran?"

"Kakucho, and Sanzu once. Awww shit, I also gave Rindou a blow job."

"Damn, Nishi, maybe you should get checked every week," Kazu teases and I hit him.

"It's cool, she's kept it in Bonten. They have like a pact to not fuck outsiders without condoms," Chifuyu says.

"How's it going? Do you like any of them?" Kazu asks.

"Yeah, I liked Ran at first until I walked in on him with another girl."

"But you guys weren't exclusive or anything, right?"

"Right, but he was fucking another girl in the kitchen while I was asleep in his bedroom!"

"Oh shit."

"Yeah. But Kakucho's just easy and fun. We just get together every now and then, like almost by accident because we happen to be alone. You know he's a total masochist."


"Ooooo, tell us what he does to you!" Kazu asks excitedly.

"Not much, outside of tying me up or spankings. He "takes it easy" on me, which I like. A little is hot, too much seems way too painful."

"Maybe you can take it easy on me sometime, Fuyu," Kazu says while wiggling his brows.

Chifuyu smiles at him, pets his head, then slaps his face. Kazu's shocked but then realizes it was an affectionate slap and laughs. Then Chifuyu returns his attention to me. "What about Sanzu?"

"Sanzu is another story. I mean, Sanzu is Sanzu. He is so hot and so crazy and the crazy makes him hotter and he's just really... good at it. But I kinda messed up and he got mad and kinda double-dosed me on acid."

"What the hell??" they say, almost in unison.

"No, no, no, it's fine, Sanzu and I have talked it out and he's apologized and everything is cool between us. And the acid wasn't so bad because Rin was there, taking care of me the whole time. He was so patient and kind and I feel bad that he missed out on a whole night of partying because he had to take care of me..."

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