ch1 • sleepytime

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⚠️ tw: swearing ⚠️

tommy, 3rd

"I'M GONNA GET YOU BOOB BOY!" Tommy yelled as he chased after Ranboo in the game.

"YOU'LL NEVER GET ME!" Ranboo yelled back. They were playing on a random world that they made for fun. It was late for Tommy, so they weren't streaming.  Tommy yawned, checking the time, 2:08 AM.

"I should head to bed. Night boob boy."

"Oh come on. You're just a sore loser." Ranboo replied, taking advantage of Tommy being away from his keyboard and hitting his character. Tommy scoffed.

"Take that back bitch!" He said in a joking manner.

"Okayy lets go to bed now before anyone gets hurt. Night Tommy, see you in the morning."

Tommy rolled his eyes, forgetting they weren't facetiming. "Whatever. Night." Tommy clicked the disconnect button and shut off his pc after logging off the server. He leaned back in his chair, spinning around and going to his bed. He changed into some pajama pants and turned off the lights. He plugged his phone in but continued using it and went on discord. He messaged Tubbo to see if he was awake, but got no response after a few minutes. He decided to message Ranboo until he fell asleep.

what's up ranboob

Aren't you supposed to be asleep?

name one person u know who goes to sleep immediately after saying they're going to sleep

Not you

no one does bitch

No need to be using vulgar language Tommyinnit

that's it i'm going to bed

I'll time how long that lasts.

Tommy put his phone down, ignoring Ranboo's last message. He closed his eyes, hoping he'd actually fall asleep. He tossed and turned, adjusting his position because he was uncomfortable or couldn't sleep. Either way, he wasn't falling asleep as fast as he wanted to. He finally opened his eyes, admitting defeat, and opened up his phone. He thought for a moment before deciding on talking to Ranboo again, guessing he'd still be awake. Ranboo was living in the UK, but he was 3 hours away from where Tommy was so it was a hassle to meet up. Tommy opened up discord, already on Ranboo and his dms from before.

hey boob

20 minutes. Longer than I thought.

u prick actually timed me

I stay true to my word, don't you know?

i can name a few times u haven't 🙄

Please, enlighten me.

well u see it's 2:30 AM and i'm tired so i will not infact enlighten you right now

Garbage excuse 😒

garbage excuse for a garbage

Damn, I feel insulted. I may just go cry myself to sleep after that one.


Bye Tommy. ☹️

bye ranboob. i will enver ever say sorry.

Another punch in the stomach. 😔

Tommy put his phone down, feeling tired now and fell asleep quicker this time.

author's note:

• thank you for reading the first chapter!
• these will be short chapters, as i am horrible at keeping up with longer chapters. maybe a few long ones every now and then though.
• updates? probably every 2-3 days, maybe longer. school starts in about a month so i'll try to get as much out as possible, but if the book isn't done by then it'll be slow updates after school begins.
• if you have constructive criticism, please tell me! this is NOT an invitation to insult my work, only critique.

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