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Poking his head out of the mechanics tent, Payu can see Rain sitting in a folding chair watching something on his phone. Standing there watching him for a minute something comes to him, shaking his head he can't believe he still thinks about "the list" or the fact that there are still firsts to be had with Rain. It's been about 8 months since Rain conjured up the idea. The way it's made them closer and spiced up so many aspects of their relationship is immeasurable. He has to give it to Rain, he's a clever little bunny.

Rain looks up to see Payu standing near the edge of the tent, arms folded over his chest staring at him. Rain gives him a little smile and Payu winks at him.
After watching his video he gets up to join him.

"Hey P', what do you think, about another hour? Looking at his watch

"Something like that, so I have something to ask you"


Walking Rain around to the back of the tent away from eager ears.

"Ok so, which do you think you'd prefer?" Payu proposes

"Prefer what?" Rain interrupts

He puts his index finger to Rain's lips

"Shhh, i'm not done talking, just listen"

Rain gives his head a little nod

"Would you prefer to be watched or to be the one watching?"

"What? What am I watching?"

"Just anything, anything in general if you were doing a "thing" would you rather be the one watching said thing or someone watching you do said thing?" Wow this is coming out convoluted

Rain tilts his head like a German shepherd trying to figure out what the hell their owner is going on about.

Payu sighs "Do you like being watched or do you like doing the watching?"

"Hmm I guess it depends on the "thing", I could like both really"

"Not helping" Payu grins

"What is going on P'?"

"Don't worry about it how about you think on it and let me know"

Rain just shrugs his shoulders and heads back to his chair. What could P' be talking about, his mind starts trying to put the puzzle together. Ok so do I like being watched or doing the watching. What am I watching or doing? Rain begins to stroke his chin deep in thought.

Payu peeks out from the tent to see the confused yet concentrated look on Rain's face. He laughs, I'm not sure he'll figure this one out.

A week later Rain is sitting in class, mindlessly taking notes when a thought pops into his head. He yells out "SEX" somehow forgetting he is in a room full of people. Clamping his hand over his mouth he turns around to do a quick scan. Everyone is snickering under their breath side eying him.

"What the hell?" Sky says under his breath

Rains slinks down in his chair " I just thought of something" he whispers, ears turning a bright shade of magenta.

"Keep that shit to yourself" Sky rolls his eyes

Rain looks down at his notebook trying to crawl directly into it. His mind drifted back to said thought.

Ok I think Payu must be talking about sex, why else would he be so cryptic about it. So the question was, do I want to watch or be watched. But who am I watching and more importantly who is watching me. Rain still hasn't added everything together yet but decides he knows enough to give P' Payu an answer. He pulls his phone out, careful to not get caught by the professor and sends a quick short text.

I'll watch

Payu is in the middle of a meeting when he feels his phone vibrate. Unable to check it. Knowing it's most likely Rain it feels like it's burning a hole in his jeans. Rain sends the most random things throughout the day but he's always afraid that when he's unable to view it right away it'll be the one time it's urgent. So it sits heavy in his pocket until the meeting is over an excruciating 45 minutes later. Pulling his phone out the second people stand up to leave the room.

I'll watch He reads.
Oh maybe Rainy has figured it out. He smiles. I doubt it but this is all I need, i just need a week to get things together

Sky gets a text in class, peeking down at his phone he can see it's from P'Payu. He's curious. P' only seems to text him if he needs a favor regarding Rain or if he can't get a hold of P'Pai, mostly because he's with me and ignoring his phone.

Payu- Need you to take Rain out after school.
Sky- What time do you want him home
Payu- Oh he'll let you know
Sky- huh? Isn't this a secret?
Payu- Yes don't let him know but trust me he will let you know when it's time to come home
Sky- Ok if you say so

Sky isn't in the same class as Rain right now so he shoots him a quick text

Sky- Come by after school, study and watch Anime?
Rain- sure let me just let P'Payu know
2 minutes later
Rain- Ok he said he's working late so we are on!

Payu walks in the door an hour early from work. He shoots Sky a quick text confirming Rain is indeed with him. Getting the all clear he heads up to the bedroom. Pulling a black box down from the back of the top shelf in the closet. Taking all the items out he places them on the bedside table. He pulls all the sheets and blankets off the bed, running down stairs to throw everything in the washer. While waiting for the wash he makes himself a quick sandwich. Then he sends off another text to Sky

Payu- please make sure Rain eats
Sky- On it!!

There will be no time for eating once Rain gets home. After eating he puts fresh sheets on the bed, then heads to the guest room for a chair, specifically the small brown leather chair with a rounded back and deep cushion. Payu places it at the end of the bed facing the headboard. Next he rummages through the closet, pulling out the camcorder and tripod. Setting up the tripod next to the leather chair he screws on the camera and faces it toward the bed, placing the remote next to the other items on the bed side table. Walking over to the door and giving the room a once over making sure he's not forgotten anything. Next he heads to the kitchen to write the note. Taking his time, writing it in large block letters. Now, there is only one thing left to do. He heads up to the bathroom and undresses.

Rain has been at Sky's for about 3 hours when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket

"Jesus fucking hell" Rain shoots up from the couch onto his feet, phone flying from his hand. It feels like slow motion as he watches his phone soar across the room, then fall to the ground bouncing off the rubber corner of his case and cart wheeling along the floor three times before landing face up. He stumbles over his own feet chasing after his phone.

"No, no, no, no, no" He pleads as he dives for his phone quickly grabbing it to hide what's on the screen.

"What the hell Rain?"

"Um Sky" drawing out Sky's name

"What Rain, is everything ok?"

"So, can you take me home? Like right now?"

Sky grins, these two are so weird, I don't even want to know what just transpired here

"Yup, let me just get my keys"

10 minutes ago-

Payu removes all his clothes, throwing them in the hamper, pulling the tie out of his hair letting it spill down. So long now that it sits several inches past his shoulders framing his face. He grabs his phone and stands in front of the full length mirror, he takes about 45 selfies and every different angle he can conceive of. Finally satisfied with one of them, he texts it to Rain. Then he starts the water in the shower, remembering to turn on the fan so the whole place doesn't get steamy. Closing the bathroom door about ¾ of the way, then he steps under the warm cascade. Now I just wait.

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