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Every time I pulled, the ropes seemed to get tighter around my wrists. They say a  wizard can take the darkest turns, even if there is good in them. What is this statement? What gives it meaning? I know the worst, and I've seen the worst. Just a few weeks ago actually. Yes, it's been fully 3 weeks since the war, and I still feel like shit. I am here, with a 3 week old baby that I'm the godfather of and I have not a single knowledge how to take care of the baby. The only lucky thing that has come out of this is that, the girl I love is always there for me, she is having Teddy in her arms right now and the way she's smiling at him is making me think of how cute she would look with our babies. I still often get nightmares about Voldemort, but she's always there to rub my back and comfort me, kiss me to all of my heart's contents. I finally get up from the chair and take Teds in my arms, his grandfather's gonna pick him up tonight and then I'll see him about 2 months later. I'll miss the blue-haired newborn, crying and smiling at us. 

"Let me hold him" I say as I take the baby from Ginny's arms

I cradle his face and rock him around. 

"You know, Harry I think that one day you'll be a great father." Ginny said with a smile. 

I smiled at her. Just then we both heard a knock and on the door was Molly

"Lyall and Hope are here" Molly said 

They all went down, everybody hugged Teddy and said Goodbyes. 

"Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes" Molly said and walked back to the kitchen. 

Me, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were sitting on the couches in a rather uncomfortable silence. Hermione was the first to break it. 

"So, Harry did Ronald or Gin tell you that Fred and George got engaged together with Angelina and Karina (Angelina's twin. A character made by me). They're gonna have a wedding together and everything! This is so exciting!"

"Well no- and OMG Congrats Fred and George." Harry replied with a smile and looked at the twins who had just entered the room with smirks on their faces. 

"Thanks Mate!" They said in union. 

"Come on everyone! Dinner's ready!" Molly yelled from the other room. 

Ginny takes my hand and we walk in together in the next room. After, the war we've been dating officially and honestly right now, she's the only thing that's kept me going. 


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