More White Fang

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Was all of it really worth it in the long run?She found herself asking that question alot.
The White Fang,she had had been with the group for a long time,and sometime she thought about what they were really fighting for.Equality?More right's?As naive as it sounded she believed those things could have been achieved without the use of violence.But despite this she always believed what the White Fang were doing was for the betterment of their people.Why would she think otherwise when there was so much prejudice against her people.

But was doing this really essential to their cause?

Blake stared with nervous eye's at the large storage house surrounded by tree's.Near the storage house was train tracks that ran through the majority of the forest.
From what she had heard the storage house was privately owned by someone,though who she did not know who.All she did know was that in a few minutes a train was going to make a stop here,and that it would be witholding weapons,dust and more.

"You ready Blake?"A voice snapped her out of her thought's.Looking the side she took note of her mentor and partner Adam,cladded in a black outfit opposed to their 'comrades' white outfits,he also sported a Grimm like mask that coverd the upper regions of his face,lastly he had a sword strapped to his hip,and his bright red hair stood out in the dim forest.

"The other's are ready,and the train will be here soon."He spoke again
Blake's eye's scanned around the dark forest,about 20 member's of the White Fang were here.Some leaning against the tree's for cover,while other's were perked atop it.She did not know why so many people were necessary but she did not have the time to answer this question.

"Yeah I'm ready."Though the words were her own she did not agree with this whole operation.She saw no point in it,but was she to do?
Whatever thoughts she had went on hold as the sound of the approaching train reached her ears.Coming to a skidding stop was a large train with various containers on it's back carts.

Black studied the containers as several men started exiting the train.
It was strange,whenever they did steal it was always from the Schnee Dust Company,though these containers did not seemed to be branded.
Her thoughts went on as the men from the trains started unloading crates from the containers,into the large storage house.

"Once their done we'll head for the storage house,be ready."Adam spoke up once again,but Blake herself couldn't help but find it strange that he was so patient during this operation.
He had grown violent as the days pass,that was clear to see.Whenever they had to do something,he'd always take the initiative.Sometimes that could have been a good thing but most of the time it was not,Adam was not one for mercy,especially when it came to humans.He'd kill them more often than not,even when it was not needed.This scared her,this wasn't the Adam she knew but her fear prevented her from vocalizing her opinion.

As the train started up again,it soon went on and disappeared from view.

"Everyone move out."As he orderd everyone of the White Fang stepped out of their cover and swiftly made their way to the storage house,with Adam and Blake leading the front.
The place seemed unsupervised,there didn't even seem to be guards present.But Blake was glad,were their any present she doubted they would have received any mercy from Adam,let alone the other White Fang present.

Reaching the entrance,one of the White Fang destroyed the lock that kept two large iron doors together.The doors slipped apart revealing the large space beyond it,filled to the brim with various crates,containers and more.Though the space was dark,faunus could still easily see,a small advantage they had.

"Ten of you stay outside,though it is unlikely keep watch out for anyone that might close in.Eliminate them and stay hidden."Adam ordered and Blake couldn't help but frown at it,as she and Adam with the rest of the White Fang entered the storage house.

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