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Your POV

I was in my room Bloom was with me we were asleep

*Your dream world*

"Y/n! Y/n." Mom said I looked up at her with a smile

"Hi Mom." I said

"My beautiful girl found herself 5 mates.  I'm so proud of you dear." Mom said I smile she hugged me and I looked over to see twins in a bassinet they both look like Bloom but with hair different they opened their eyes and they were both different colored they cooed at me

"Hi, sweet little girls." I said they lift their arms up wanting to be held

"These are your future daughters hun." Mom said I smile and nuzzled their noses with a smile on my face

"Their beautiful." I said I  put them in the bassinet they disappeared

"My daughter I wanted to tell you something important." Mom said

"What is it?" I asked

"It's your father he's dying. So you'll have an early coronation like I did. Just don't let the stress get to you." Mom said

Flora's POV

I went to check on Y/n and Bloom

"No, I Can't be queen." Y/n said with a smile "I know.  But you also know I'm not good with stressful things." She said she started transforming into her Fairy Form in her sleep I ho get Stella

"No wait don't tell me. Oh it's you Flora. I'd recognize that perfume anywhere." Stella said after sniffing the air

"Stop joking Stella! I'm here about Y/n and Bloom." I said

"Wrong room they are a sleep in Y/n's room remember." Stella said

"No, listen their doing it again Stella you understand." I said

"Understand what?" Stella asked we go to Y/n's

"No, don't leave me alone." Y/n cried out griping tighter around Bloom's waist

"She they're both talking to someone in their sleep." I said

"I'm not ready." Y/n said with a whimper

"That's not so unusual.  Their probably having nightmares or something." Stella said

"But that's not just a nightmare." I said pointing to me and Bloom we were transforming into their fairy form

"No, I'm coming wait for me." Bloom said

"That's amazing. Looks like their transforming in their sleep." Stella said

"Maybe we should do something. Let's get the others maybe Tecna can do something to help them or maybe Musa." I said

"Flora." Stella said a little irritated

"Maybe we should tell miss Griselda. No maybe not Let's go see miss Faraganda." I said with worry

"Flora." Stella said getting a little mad now

"Or maybe we shouldn't do anything at all you know like--" I said but was cut off by Stella

"Flora listen." Stella said I continued my rambling "Flora!" Stella yelled

"What?" I said

"Calm down!  Or else you'll upset me too! Then I'll raise my voice and then I!" Stella said

Your POV

"Flora and Stella what are you girls doing?" Me and Bloom asked in unison

*the next morning*

When You Have A Lot Of Talent it goes over Others Head (winx club x reader)Where stories live. Discover now