The visitors

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Izuku awoke to the sound of rummaging and neighing echoing from around him. He lifted his heavy eyelids to see his hands tied infront of him. Out of shock, he started to mutter and screech only to realise his mouth had been covered, infront of him was a devilishly attractive man, flowing blonde hair sweeping down from his scalp, a calm frown rested upon his pale complexion. He turned around to take in the cart and what else surrounded him.
Wait- CART?! who was this psychopath and why the hell did he kidnap him?!

'You can open your eyes now sweetheart.' The elder boy seemingly murmured beneath his breath.
The greenette rose his head however slipped on the ropes beneath him, stumbling face forward onto the cart.
'Who are you.' The pale blonde nonchalantly questioned, paying no mind to the former prince's mess up.
'You're draped head to toe in gold and look cleaner than most.'
'That's a lot coming from you! You practically kidnapped me.' He hastily replied, raising himself from the planks below on his knees.
'Quit it ya thief, I'm the one asking questions here. You were on my damn property for crying out loud.'
'That doesn't give you a right to take me!'
'Course it does. Finders keepers.'
Silence. Not a word was exchanged during the time, each staring quietly ahead of them.
'Where are we going?...' the younger male suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere of the carriage glaring into the back of the blonde's hair.
'Home. Now quit yer yappering'

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