The Adventures of a Teenage Vigilante's Notebook

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On a dirty rooftop in downtown queens, there was a blue spiral-bound notebook. Its cover boasted "120 sheets!" alongside the scars of long-term use. The brand name had long since succumbed to the wear and tear of sleepless nights and graphite stains adorned the thin plastic. The plain cardboard on the back was full of half-erased doodles and a rather crude symbol drawn by an expensive pen. If you were to open this book, you would see a name, printed in large, neat letters. The name would be in the owner's best penmanship and would read: Peter B. Parker. Directly underneath, in far less tidy scrawl, would be a phone number, smudged slightly as if written by a hasty hand.

The notebook sat, unbothered by the slight breeze, for several minutes. Then, as the afternoon sun dimmed, a flash of red and blue zipped by the building. A thread of silk appeared and sent the notebook flying into a waiting hand. The reddish blur continued on its path, leaving the rooftop empty.


Peter landed gracefully on the side of Stark tower. He picked his way across the expanse of glass with care. An intern dropped a mug of coffee over herself as he crawled by and he winced. He thought he was on the residential windows, he must be a few floors off. He resumed his route and entered an open window on floor 79. He whispered a quiet "Thank's Friday" as he slipped inside.

The window closed behind him."No problem, Peter"

Peter slipped his backpack off his shoulders and pried his notebook out of his hand. His spider powers may be under control but his hand cramps, however, were not. He pulled his mask off and ran a hand through his hair to regain its shape

"So is the first name thing, like, a security liability? 'Cause I like it and all but what if someone was up here?"

Footsteps and then a voice sounded from behind him

"Are you suggesting that the most advanced AI in the world is unable to consult a guest list before using a moniker?"

Tony leaned in the doorway, cocking an eyebrow. Peter flushed.

"I didn't think about that" he whined, "Besides, It's not like I get to spend a lot of time around her, you won't even let me look at her code."

"And risk you leaving your greasy little fingerprints all over my poor baby girl? I think not" Tony put a hand to his forehead in mock offense. "Besides you can't steal my work"

Peter rolled his eyes and muttered something unsavory about genius billionaires with too much time on their hands.

Tony's face softened slightly "For the record, if you ever want to start your own AI I'd be glad to help, we could start today maybe? Or, actually, we could start next week, the lab we have planned uses some nasty stuff so I don't want to scrap it."

Peter perked up a bit "That sounds great! I'll start on notes before we get going2" he said, springing for his notebook.

"First off, the lab's all set up, and also, are you still using that damn notebook? I will literally buy you a notebook made of solid gold, anything to get that out of my tower."

Peter pouted and held a protective hand over the book. "I like my notebook! It has all of my notes. Also, don't say you could re-print them because it wouldn't be the same."

Tony cast a dubious glance at the worn cover, then shrugged. "Fine, just keep it out here. I don't want your precious notes to get damaged."

The notebook was left, and subsequently, forgotten as they entered the lab.


Several hours later, after they had cleaned up the remnants of the test, Tony rushed off to some meeting. This left Peter alone in the lab with nothing but a vague warning about having school tomorrow and not setting anything irreplaceable on fire. Dummy had taken the last bit as a warning and therefore any progress Peter would be making was negated. He had only scribbled a few ideas down when he gave up, folding the notebook closed, and exited the lab.

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