Chapter 1

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September 11th at school

It was the first day of practice at Golden Oak high school home of Golden Stingers. Our school is pretty weird they only have a flag football team for boys and girls also schools around us do the same. But I don't even know how I made the team again I rarely know what I'm doing they probably just felt bad. But there were good things that come with that I get to see all my closest friends again and we were, of course, the best well they were the best on the team. Well, there was this new boy names Wyatt that joined our school last year at the end of the year. Our school is one of the best flag football teams around, and Wyatt adds to it by being the hot new star player.  He also got the title of playboy pretty quickly after just being in school for a couple of months breaking girls' hearts left and right.

I walked out of class last class which was bio, as I walked out I saw my friends Reghan and Abi going to the locker rooms. 

"Hey guys wait up,"  I said running up to the both of them

"Hey Dylan how have you been," Reghan said quickly turning around as they both gave me a hug

"Good just happy to be back with the team," I say not knowing If I fully meant it or not

"Dylan I can believe we all made the team again this year and two weeks of not playing got everyone pissed the fuck off," Abi said pissed off about what happened.

Two weeks ago our old coach left because he was touching little girls. He also coached little league flag football for girls. pretty sure he went to jail and is not allowed any wear it near the school.

"I know right" I hear from behind me Garrett which was  with Guyer and Phoenix

"Hey guys you ready for our first practice," I said happily ready to play

"Hell no" I hear phoenix wine from behind me 

"Shut it kyle I don't need you complaining every day like last year ughh that was so bad," Reghan said almost running into the girl's locker room door Rowen was standing waiting for us as always

We went our separate ways and into the locker room and Guyer and Phoenix were still laughing. We went to our usual spot and next to me was the new guy Wyatt. He had his shirt off revealing his six-pack I wanted to start to drool when he looked over my way.

"Hey man your Dylan right," he asks me 

"yeah that's me umm you excited for practice," I ask him knowing how dumb I sound

"Sure I just can't wait to kick people's asses at games this year our team is pretty set," Wyatt says starting to walk out and with every word, I want him, even more, I did not fully know what this feeling meant.

As I was finishing up I hear the whistle telling us that we should be coming out for practice. I see Pheonix and Guyer waiting for me at the door as I walk over and we left the locker room.  We start line ups and I stand next to garret and Guyer waiting for our new coach to introduce himself.  Before he started talking I hear garret, Reghan, and Abi laughing about some inappropriate joke there always laughing about. 

"Good afternoon team, I'm coach Katlyn and this is coach Jake, this year we will be coaching you for flag football," she says with a smile but also looks like a bad bitch and she is pretty hot too 

"Hello, I'm coach Jake and we would like to start with all of your teammates introducing your selfs one by one," he says trying to be nice and demanding at the same time

We all had to introduce ourselves even though we had pretty much the same team as last year well without Wyatt but everyone knows who he is anyway. When it got to me Reghan and Pheonix started to laugh making me laugh and not understand what I was saying. But when it was Wyatt's turn he spoke perfectly not stuttering at all and making his lips look so good to is right now. After he was done we got ready for warm-ups, the whole time I was trying not to stare at Wyatt's perfect body but then I remembered who I was and stopped. I think Reghan and Abi noticed something and tried to make me laugh which always works but I still felt bad inside I know I would never get him but I can always dream.

"Oh gosh I forgot how hard practice is" I hear Rowen say when she was walking up to me 

"Yeah I too can't wait to go home to sleep," I say driving the last of my water

"BYE DYLAN SEE YOU TOMORROW" I hear Reghan and Abi yell

"See you, Dylan," Rowen says waling off

I walk to my mom's car to see her with a big smile.

"Hey Dylan how was practice you have fun" 

" Yeah it was good I tough"

"Ok dinner Is ready when we get home" 

"Ok mom"

I put in my headphones as my mom starts to drive off. I forgot how hard practice is, but I really enjoy it mostly because of my friends, but also because there is a new boy that I know somehow I will get into his heart, at least I hope so, but for now I will just be dreaming.

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