Chapter 2

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September 15 in the cafeteria 

 It was the middle of the day and just got my food for lunch. I see all of my friends were already sitting down waiting for me to come over. We have a big group of people and we are all pretty close to each other and get along for the most part. I see an open spot in-between Amron and Reghan. As I'm walking over I see Amron turn around a greet me by saying hi in his Amrony way.  Amron has always been nice to me he increased me to join the flag football team as he was a cheerleader and said at every game he would be there to cheer me on. He is very fun and outgoing and we are pretty sure that he and Garrett are dating or just seeing each other on the side for sure.

"Hey guys," I say sitting down at our table which is mostly our football team

"Hey Dylan," I hear most of them say 

We all go on talking about random shit teenagers (immature teenagers) talk about. Until I see Wyatt at his table with all the popular boys that play sports or just get into trouble too much all sitting together. Wyatt is one of the better guys that sit there and he treats me like a person. He is, in my opinion, one of the hotter ones too, with his 6-pack, jet black hair, and his golden brown eyes that glow when he is in the sun. He is just so perfect in every way, no one could compare to him. I get this feeling inside of me that I don't know what any of it means I never felt this way before to really anyone. I see him get up I typically wait for others to come to throw out their trash too but this time I go alone to see him up close to talk to him. I wait to get next to him and he looks over at me and gives me a little smile.

" Hey Dylan," Wyatt says looking me in the eyes and making me blush a bit

" H-hey Wyatt how are you, ready for our game next week," I say stuttering throw my words just trying to make small talk till we have to sit back down

" Yeah I'm supper pumped up for it this schools team is better than my other team last year I swear I played by myself sometimes," Wyatt says making me laugh a bit just seeing how happy he makes me happy

" Well I'm happy you're liking the team we do like having a new star player" 

" Me a star that's funny, you know for being a little guy you are pretty good," Wyatt says having a grin on his face  making me blush even harder now

"Hey, don't be calling me little I'm 5,7 and a half and I can still be growing you know"

"Ok ok, shorty," Wyatt says running back to his table after throwing away his stuff, I do the same and go to sit back at my table with a big smile on my face that Reghan and Abi for sure saw

"Dylan, what's up with the big smile on your face," Reghan says giggling at Abi

"Nothing," I say trying to make a straight face but it just ended up with Reghan and Abi laughing which made me laugh and could not talk right

"Just tell us it's not like we will judge you that much for it," Abi says trying to be nice about it 

"Well you know Wyatt, on our team, well I would like to be friends with him he seems like a nice guy and all," I tell them knowing that that was not all I wanted to say about him but I did not know how to tell them anything else 

"Well you should be friends with him then, you should start by talking to him more at practice and games he has a lot of friends but most of them play basketball or baseball so," Reghan says trying to help me get new a friend as she says this though I thin about Wyatt about how we could be friends, but what if we become something more

"Yeah and we could all have another friend and we could even make more room at our lunch table too," Abi said being friendly and hopeful 

" That would be fun-" I got cut off by the sounds of the bell everyone gets up grabbed their stuff and headed to class only three more classes to go now

I walk off and start heading to social studies. I take my seat next to Phoenix and Amron and they are both talking about our upcoming game. Phoenix is saying something about how he is actually going to pay attention this year at a game like that will ever happen. Amrons talking about how he got the caption of the cheerleading team and he is not even a senior yet. I start talking about the same too but not much I just say something about how I heard there may be an after-party at one of the senior's houses if we get the win which we should the other team sucks ass. Our teacher Mr. Ell walks in late as always and starts his lesson, I like social studies but he teaches it really badly like we are in the fucking stone ages. But I  have to keep up my grades for flag football I pay attention and phoenix and Amron keeps talking about the game. 

After a while of him talking mostly about his night last night I start to daydream about the game and think of Wyatt and how he will get so many touchdowns and the smile that he will get on his face each time. Thinking about his lips and at the end of the game in the middle of the field we are so passionate and- I get cut off in my thoughts by someone.

"Dylan have you been listening to me," Mr. Ell says in his mean old man voice 

"umm yeah yeah I hav-e" I say even though I have not

" Well you better have this lesson is important and we will be having a quiz next week," He said almost yelling at me while Phoenix and Amron are laughing

I don't really give two shits at this point so I go back to doing what I was doing until the next class.


personally, I really like this chapter but chapter 3 is going to be so good and chapter 4 is going to be even better I have a little something up my sleeve for chapter 4. You better get ready for it lol. But for now, just tell me how you liked this chapter I worked all night on this so you better like it!!

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