5| Rampo on the Job

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"Atsushi has left!" Kunikida says entering the office again.

"I know," I say setting down my book. "He will come back. If my guess is correct, the mafia should be sending their minions about now."

The door flies off and the Black Lizards enter. Multiple men in black suits with machine guns come into the office.

"My apologies," Hirotsu says entering. "I forgot to make an appointment beforehand. I even forgot to knock. Please don't mind us. We will finish our business very soon."

"Cool. Thanks ahead of time for fucking up our budget," I say getting up.

The Lizard's open fire on us and we defend ourselves, knocking the guns out of their hands. After we knock them out, we toss them into a pile.

Atsushi comes back just as Kunikida flips Hirotsu onto his back, breaking his arm.

"You're back," Kunikida says. "Who would disappear without a word like you? Look at the mess you left us with! Hurry and help tidy up!"

"Kunikida, what should I do with these people?" Kenji asks.

"Toss them out the windows," Kunikida says.

"Now the budget is all messed up," I say.

"This isn't too bad though. We're used to it," Kunikida says noticing how shocked Atsushi is.

Atsushi starts to laugh as he cries and I walk over to him. I place a hand on Kunikida's and he walks off.

"Atsushi, this isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself. We are all fine. Now come on, this place won't clean itself."

A while later Kunikida gets a call.

"We've got another request to investigate a murder," Kunikida says.

"The police in this city really are incompetent. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't be able to catch a single criminal. Honestly, my 'super deduction' ability is the best in the entire Detective Agency. No. The entire world! It can't be helped that the agency and police rely on me!" Ranpo says.

Ranpo ends ups standing on a book that Atsushi is trying to pick up.

"Ranpo, the book under your foot needs to be returned to the bookshelf," Atsushi says.

"How rude of me. There you go," Ranpo says getting off the book and starting to head toward the door frame.

"We're counting on you Ranpo," Kunikida says.

"You're right! You guys call yourself a detective agency, but in truth, you probably have fewer deduction skills than monkeys! It seems you're merely basking in the glory of my 'super deduction.' Don't you think?"

"You can deduce the truth behind everything once you activate your 'super deduction.' That's amazing!" Kenji says.

"Kid," Kunikida says. "We'll tidy the rest. You go with Ranpo and Bellatrix. Take the train and you'll arrive at the scene soon."

"I'm the assistant of a detective? Such a big responsibility!" Atsushi says as I grab my dagger, gun, katana, and my bag.

"Of course not. I'm not some third-rate detective. I don't need an assistant."

"Then why?"

"Because you need to learn some of the ways of a detective," I say.

I help buy the tickets and get us to our train. We find seats and I close my eyes, aware of everything around me. When the announcement comes on, announcing our stop, we exit the train. We head toward the crime scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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