The car ride

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We waited for Grayson to get int the car .
When he got in the long and awkward car ride began .
I got hungry so I told my mom and she said that we were gonna stop at a gas station to get snacks .
We got to a gas station and my mom gave me money and told me what to buy .  I got out of the car and I heard Ethan say "wait I'll go with you" behind me . I  waited for him to get out of the car and we went in together .
I got 3 big bags of Doritos and some drinks . then I got a pack of gum and I paid for it . me and Ethan were talking about when we are gonna go to the movies . then out of nowhere  before we left the gas station he asked me out .
"Awww" the cashier lady said . then she said "girl say yes " so I said yes .
I hugged Ethan because I knew that he did care  about me and he did like me . we walked out holding hands and my mom asked me why when we got in the car .
"Because they're dating " his sister Cameron said .
we all started laughing when Ethan pinched her cheeks and called her nosey . it sounds stupid but it was funny at the time .
I was sitting in between of Grayson and Ethan and Grayson was sitting next to Cameron .
Me and Ethan were holding hands the whole car rind and he fell asleep on my shoulder .
I know I like him but this doesn't feel right .
When I look at him or talk to him I see him as a friend, but when it I look at Grayson it's a whole different story . I feel weird and like I can spend all day with him .
I just don't know anymore . I don't want to date him if we don't feel the same . I'll talk to him when we get to the hotel . everyone was asleep except for me , Grayson , and my mom who was driving .
My mom had her earbuds in and she turned up all the volume and was listening to her music.
It was awkward, just me and Grayson basically .
"Hi " I said .
"Hey " he said .
"Why do you hate me " I asked Grayson .
"I don't hate you its jus....  " He said but I cut him off by saying "just what  " .
"You really think I hate you?" Grayson said.
"Well yea "I said.
He looked in my eyes and I felt awkward but I don't know , it just felt right .
He kissed me . we kissed for like 1 mins straight without realizing it .
I pulled away .
"Um I'm dating Ethan " I said.
He didn't notice when we were holding hands and he didn't hear when Cameron said that we were dating cuz he was listening to music .
"So" he said .
" I'm sorry I can't " I said .
"We're here" my mom yelled and everyone woke up .
I got out of the car and away from Grayson as fast as I could.

My bully Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now