childhood meet up

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(Warning!!-Dont simp alot over this they are just kiddos)

The kid was walking back from the shops with their mother who had green straight hair, The kid ran into a messy blonde boy who looked the same age and them, as the messy blondie got up he help up a green haired boy.

The green wavey haired boy almost tearing up looked to see a clean and soft hand he grabbed the boys hand and said his apologies.

-Izuku said-
" I'm so sorry (almost crying)"
As I got up the boy dusted me off it was kind of weird but didn't question it.
"my name is Izuku thank you for helping me up" I said in a soft voice and I didn't let go of the boys hand, I turned and looked up to see that my mother was talking to his mother I looked back at the spiked blond hair boy and I ask for his name.

"I'm Katsuki and I'm going to be the number one hero like all might!" As I let go of his hand I noticed that he had a hero card packet as I grabbed mine I ask the green haired boy known as Izuku if we can open our cards together before our parents leave and he agreed.

As Katsuki and Izuku grabbed their card they both opened it to find out it was their favourite of all time, ALL MIGHT- they both excitedly screamed but not to loud that it would attract attention.

Soon Izuku and Katsuki's mother had to go back home they both walked the same way. Turns out that katsuki is new to the neighbourhood so Deku could hang out with him and show him the awesome playground.
Soon after showing everything to the blondie it was dinner time Izuku asked if he could sleep over it was ok with his mother...

Cliffhanger heheh

Look how cute skeppy is in anime!!!!✨👀

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