The Lakehouse

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

It had been a week since the fiasco that was Fourth of July. I have been at the Scott's for a week now. My only escape is going out with Davis. He's good, and he's known me a long time. He feels safe. Daniel took my dad to rehab yesterday. He says Grayson and I are welcome to come back to the house tomorrow but I won't be returning till next week because I'm off on another adventure with the Scott's.

I'm basically apart of the family. I always have been it seems like. I shoved one more bathing suit into my bag as I hurriedly walk down the stairs. This was the last getaway of the summer. I need this right now, a getaway from Tree Hill. A getaway from the looks, phone calls and texts. The only people who were aware of how bad thing were was Sawyer and Vivan but that was because Grayson. I didn't talk about that stuff. Everyone I knew was in the dark. I mean, sure, most knew my dad was a drunk.

They just didn't know the violent side but on the fourth, people saw it. Word gets around fast. Guess I'm lucky Davis swept me away that night and has continued to do so.

I smile at Lydia who's loading up her dad's truck. She holds out her hand for my backpack. Jamie rounds the corner. He made eye contact with me and for split second I thought he'd talk to me, "Lydia, I'm going to take the jeep, get Olivia and meet you guys up there." Lydia nods as she gives him a thumbs up. He's been weird towards me. I can't really explain it. I sigh as I watch him walk off. "Does your brother hate me now or something?" Lydia raises an eyebrow at me as she jumps out of the bed of the truck.

She shrugs, "I don't think so. I mean why would he hate you?" I nod slowly with a shrug, "No clue. Maybe my dad's jaw hurt his hand and he blames me for it." Lydia shook her head as Nathan came out of the house. "Girls, you ready?" I smile softly with a nod, climbing into the truck. I hope this awkwardness between Jamie and I disappear especially because I don't even know why it's there.

The great thing about the Scott's lakehouse this time around is the Baker's lakehouse is right next door. I grab my bag from the bed as I feel my feet leave the ground. I giggle as I get spun around. My lips instantly collide with Davis's. He smiles down at me as he pulls away, "Hey bambi." I shake my head punching his arm, "Oh hi bread boy." He shook his head as I heard a deep cough. Davis and I both look to the porch to see Jamie staring down at us, "Brooke instead of kissing your boyfriend. Do you mind helping us unload?" I give a nod and let out a sigh, "I guess I gotta go." Davis pouts and then smiles, "Meet me at the water in a hour." I nod and give him a kiss as I head to get more out of the bed. That was really weird of Jamie.

I wonder what's up his ass. I hope he's not like this the whole trip. I set my bag down and quickly changed into my bikini. I looked at myself on last time in the mirror before I walked out of the room. Lydia stood at the end of the hall, laughing, she was wearing shorts and her bikini top was green.

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