Chapter 6

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The whole day whipped by. Static filled my ears and glass over my eyes, making everything seeming a million miles away.

When I walked out of last period, Melanie could tell right away that something was wrong.

"Stressed?" She asked, her eyes full of worry.

"Like you couldn't believe. My party has to be perfect, my birthday is nerve wrecking and we still need a really good setter for the team." I raked my fingers through my hair.

"Oh" She exclaimed "I can fix one of those problems"

She pointed to a girl down the hall. "Meet Shawna Clawford." She announced. "I think she would be the perfect setter."

I turned and looked at this girl. She had long strawberry blonde hair the swung down her back. Her clothes barely covered her skin but luckily I didn't see anything unnecessary. She looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on what it was. Melanie saw my look and leaned down and whispered:

"She's the one that tried to crash your party last year with booze."

That memory flashed through my head. Everyone was around dancing or splashing in the new and improved pool. There was nothing in their veins except sugar. Until, she burst through the door singing "Shay's here and ready to party!" She stumbled down the stairs with a bottle of vodka in each hand. I raced to her and told her to leave immediately. She laughed (which sent her tumbling over) and replied with, "What are you a secret nun?" I yelled for Victor to make her leave. He came and led her drunken ass of the property with her screaming at the top of her lungs nonsense even I couldn't decode.

Just thinking of that made my blood boil. There was no way I am letting her within 100 meters of me.

Melanie glanced at me and sighed, "I know you dont like her-"

"At all." I cut in

"At all..." She continued "But, we could really use her and you know what? We could use her to our advantage. Make her our little jester."

"Hmm...Ill go for that." We walked over to her to tell her the good news. And guess what, she was excitied and ready to do anything we wanted. And what I wanted to do was simple. I wanted to embarrass her.

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