Chapter 1: The Cavern.

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I crept into the cavern, darkness clinging to me like a wet rag. All of a sudden something grabbed me from behind. I froze. I felt as cold as ice. I turned slowly, my heart beating out of chest, to see Whirlwind, hugging me with her eyes shut tight. I sighed and smirked "Afraid of a little darkness are we Whirlwind?"

She opened her eyes and let go of me immediately. "N-no I'm not," she stammered " I was just holding you s-so YOU wouldn't get scared!"

"Ooh, lover birds." Scorp commented as he waltzed past us, his claws glowing brightly in the dim light.

"Don't run ahead like that Freeze Blade!" Sonic Boom screeched at me.

Bumble Blast strode ahead, not saying anything. I rolled my eyes and skated slowly onward. Everything was quiet again. As we moved on it felt like the cave was getting smaller and smaller. In front of me I could sense that Whirlwind was getting tense, so I put my hand on her shoulder. Unfortunately my hands were always cold so she jumped and attacked me.

"Ow!" I exclaimed holding my face.

"I am so sorry Freeze Blade, I thought you were an enemy trying to attack me!" she explained her cheeks turning red.

"Drat!" yelled Bumble Blast a little further ahead. Whirlwind and I ran up to the group.

"A dead end." He banged his fist against the stone wall. Scorp turned around and looked up.

"It's not a dead end, IT'S A TRAP!"

Then, right on cue, a metal cage fell right on top of us.

"Its too late Skylanders." called an awkward voice from the shadows. I could make out a fait silhouette of a tall figure with large ears.

"Wait a miniute, I recognise that voice." exclaimed Sonic Boom.

The figure emerged from the darkness and into the light of Scorp's claw.

"GLUMSHANKS!" everyone gasped.

Author's Note.
Whew, part one done. Real cliffhanger there, ay. Any who, I'm not sure if I will continue but If people comment and say that they like it,then I will. By the way the story's POV may change but I'll let you know. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon. ;)


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