The Begining

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I was walking down the street, like normal, the birds were chirping, and my hair was flowing in the wind. Everything was going okay, despite my rough morning being dragged awake by my dog Lucy, she was itching to go out for a w alk.I shuddered at the memory. I felt as if the world was my anchor, it was the perfect day, nothing could ruin it. As I grew near to the end of the street, I noticed a young guy around my age running at full speed towards me, I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated, not because of his HUGE muscles or his captivating Hazel eyes that seemed to change colour in the sunlight, because he seemed anxious as if he was trying to run away from something, or someone. I was too preoccupied to realise I needed to move out of the way. As soon as I could react, he ran head-first into me causing me to tumble and trip over Lucy's lead, ultimately ending up with her lead tangled around my ankles.

"Ouch" I mumbled as I fell.

"Oh shit, sorry miss, " He said as he helped me up, I looked at him, expecting myself to have the biggest go, it really hurt I was only being modest with the subtle Ouch. I looked up, his stunning eyes searched mine with a hint of worry you can obviously distinct from his face, We held that gaze for a minute, his piercing eyes which illuminated his hazel eye-colour, that seemed to dance in the sun-light, changing from auburn with an accent of green to a deep espresso colour which would usually intimidate me, but I didn't feel intimidated, I felt safe. His hair danced in the wind, giving me a sudan urge to fix it, don't get me wrong, it was blurry but it was giving me major OCD.

The Man of mystery untangled the dog lead and stared straight into my eyes, and gave a little grin. He stood up,

"Sorry ,I-Im sorry" I mumbled,

"Don't be so modest, Miss uh..." He said

"Juliette Stone" I mumbled, in shock because why would a guy this fit talk to me??

"Juliette," He whispered whilst holding out a hand, to help me up.

"Well, I'm Aaron, " He said, pressing his un-occupied hand on his chest. He cleared his throat. He was either nervous or had a bad cough. I was hoping it was the first one. It's been a long time since I've made a man feel nervous. It always feels good to make a hot guy nervous. Wait, I've only just met him, no point in thinking that far ahead. And plus, with looks that good, he probably had a girlfriend, just sayin'.

"As an apology for *ehm* bumping into you," Aaron said, still holding onto my hand,

"I would like to take you out to coffee" It's been an even longer time since a guy asked me out to coffee. I stood with my mouth open like a guppy fish, and the next part may sound corny but it was a HUGE turn on. He looked at me and smiled, he lifted my chin up, closed my mouth and grasped my other hand, okay maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Juliette Stone," He winked, and disappeared, leaving me there to comprehend what had just happened, I felt something in my hand, A small paper, it read, 'Call me sometime - 07704533861' (this is a fake number btw)

Dayam, this guy is clean.

It's been a few days since i got his number and i've really been contemplating whether he just did it for Pete's Sake and didn't really mean anything by it. Anyways, one night I was wasted and my friends dared me to call him and I only did it because I was pretty sure he should have been asleep but he answered in a heart-beat.

"Hey, Aaron it's Jojo" I giggled barely keeping in my laughter. Like I said, I was pretty drunk.

"I'm sorry?" Said the man on the other side of the phone.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too! Don't worry!"

"Juliette, Are you drunk?" Said Aaron

"What? Meme?? Noooo? Im 100 years sober" That's it, I laughed so hard I felt like I was gonna puke, yup I was gonna puke,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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