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As I walked to my class the sound of someone sobbing caught my attention and I instinctively followed the sound, arriving at an empty class and what I saw was really terrifying.

In the middle of the class room stood a man with jet-black hair and obsidian eyes. He was holding a girl by the neck and was choking her, ignoring her pleas and sobs to stop.

"Stop!" I screamed in fear for the girl's life. Although I knew what I did wasn't a smart move, I simply couldn't leave the girl to die when I could do something about it.

The man immediately let go of the girl's neck and she fell to the ground and went unconscious.

Then the man turned to face me and as soon as our gaze met he smirked.

"Rayona, you've grown to become beautiful just like your mother". He commented as he scrutinized me with those crimson eyes of his.

I frowned in confusion.

"Who the hell are you and how do you know my name and my mother?!" I demanded .

The man sighed while rubbing the bridge of his nose.  "Too much questions, so annoying well if you really want to know I'll tell you, I am the friend your parents have been hiding from". He replied.

Now I was even more confused. I had no knowledge of any friend my parents were hiding from, the only person I knew my parents were hiding from was... Damien!

Realization suddenly hit me with full force and I suddenly realized who the man in front of me was.

This man was no friend of my parents, in fact he was a formidable enemy of my family because ever since I was little he had always tried to capture me because of my powers but my parents did all they could in their power to protect me from him.

They even went as far as coming to a new town, building a house deep in the woods just to make sure Xuzo had a hard time finding my location but somehow he still found his way to me.

Does this mean all my parents effort had suddenly gone down the drain? I thought In panic.

Yes stupid.  My inner voice answered and this made me panic even more.

Xuzo must have seen the panicked look on my face because he chuckled in amusement.

"You've realized who I really am haven't you?" He asked with a smirk and as a predator would to it's prey, he stalked towards me.

I gulped in fear as I watched the distance between us getting closer by every step he took.

I knew the right to do was to run away but somehow it felt like I was rooted to the ground because my legs refused to cooperate with me. He was getting closer and closer and just when he was a step from getting to me I felt an adrenaline rush and so I raised my hands instinctively and frost shot out of it to hit Xuzo in the chest, slamming him against the wall.

I stared at my hands in surprise and looked back at Garret whose expression was identical to mine,  'guess he least expected me to fight back.

"You shouldn't have done that young Lady". Damien calmly as he straightened up, though he spoke calmly yet the expression on his face was a livid one. I didn't wait to see what he was going to do next because I bolted.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me,  I ran to the school back exit and as expected the barb wire gate was padlocked which left me with one option; to jump over it.

Without thinking twice I jumped over the high gate and successfully landed on the other side of the gate but with a twisted ankle which hurt like bitch.

"Where is she?!" I heard Damien's voice thundered from within my school followed by  screams of fright of the students. Who knows what he was doing to them? I wish I could help but I couldn't do anything because I too was running for my life and so with a heart filled with remorse for implicating the innocent students of my school I ran off into the woods.

To be specific I half ran and half limped into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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