Eda Yildiz, The Graduate

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Author's note 

You will see a few words in French because as some of you know I'm a proud French. English is just my second language, I have a bachelor in English literature & public administration. 

I hope you love my romantic Robot as much as I do. The songs in this OS are part of my favourites songs of all time, they are country so it's also an homage to Kerem's upbringing. 

On Tuesday night, the first French public channel will broadcast a concert with a ton of French artists benefiting the victims of the terrible earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. I'm really proud of my fellow citizens for that. 

Now I'll leave you with Romantic Robot. 

The love of my life will be a graduate in 2 weeks sharp. But at the moment she is not the confident employee of Artlife, she is just like a first year student full of doubts & her mind in puree.

Her last year project is the revamping of the orphanage where she is a volunteer.

She asked me a few weeks ago if I could lend a hand on it. I said yes because I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend outside of the office & to surprise her with one more thing. It won't be just her last year exam it will also be the first joint project of Eda & Serkan Bolat....

At the moment our time together is not spent cuddling & making love to each other but seated at our dining room table with a stack of books going to the roof in-between us ... I know she is watching me drawing but I can say the same. Even after working together all day long I could admire my girlfriend drawing for hours. She has more talent in her pinky than most of her much more experienced colleagues.

-Serkan ? 

-Effendim my love

- I'm not satisfied with my design, this is not good enough ... I'm not good enough

-Edaaaaa, your design is amazing, this is just finals jitters . I was exactly like you when I graduated a few years ago. You're amazing & I'm proud of you.

- The great Serkan Bolat, full of doubts when he submitted his final year project, I can't believe it. 

- Well it was the project that was supposed to launch Artlife so yeah I was full of doubts. Everything went well but it was not easy 

- Thank you for supporting me & loving me like that 

- My main job in life is to love you, I'm just an architect for a living !

Today is the day, Eda Yildiz is graduating with honours from the University of Istanbul, faculty of Architecture & Landscape Architecture.

I'm seated in the middle of the courtyard of the university between my mom & Ayfer hanim, I'm trying very hard not to be recognized because on this day I just want to be the proud boyfriend and not the famous architect. I'm wearing sunglasses & thank god I did because my love is a secretive as I am ... She omitted to tell me she was the valedictorian of her class & she just dedicated her speech to me calling me her biggest inspiration, support, love of her life & romantic robot.

Eda Yildiz, The GraduateWhere stories live. Discover now