Redo of 2

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The children stood at the small wooden landing in front of The Cyclone rollercoaster. Ricky set his crutches down as Constance and Penny helped him sit in the kart.

Constance and Ocean Sat in the front, Penny and Ricky were in the middle, leaving Noel and Mischa to sit with each other.

the ride started.

they flew up into the air, safely in the kart as they all screamed happily. This was the first time in forever that Noel actually had fun.

I know this dream of life is never-ending...

They all three up their arms happily. Ocean screamed, not the scream that indicated she was happy - far from it, Ocean was terrified. she heard and saw the kart brake.
They all screamed, yelling and crying as they all realised that this was it. They were all being striped of their lives all because of some stupid ride, run by some stupid carny, at some stupid fair, in a stupid town in stupid Saskatchewan.

This made Mischa angry. He was beyond angry, he was livid that he never could meet Talia, the only person in his life that actually loved him. The only person that could remind him of his home, the only person that knew his pain.

I've goes around, and round, and round again...

They watched as the kart de-railed at the apex of the loop-de-loop, hurtling them into space.
Except this wasn't space.
they were thrown into the other part of the tracks, beheading Penny. Everyone stated in shock and horror. Ocean threw up and hugged Constance, Noel cried, watching as his friends died. He wasn't going to make it out - he will die a stupid death. But at least he wouldn't be bullied anymore, right?

I know the sun is rising while ascending...

they crashed into the ground, killing them all. People ran out of the park, police crowded around the horrific site.

"Jane Doe.."
is what the coroner said. They found her body, not her head. No one came too fine out who this mystery corpse was.

It goes on and on and never ends...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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