It's my party i'll cry if i want too

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                        Brooklyn Bella Gatina

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                        Brooklyn Bella Gatina

I stared up at my ceiling, my mind all over the place. What's new? I thought going to the lake would be a good thing for me but all it's done is create weird situations. For example, Davis has been acting extremely off and even slightly cold towards me lately.

He kept asking me if something was up with Jamie and I. I kept telling him no, of course not. I mean there isn't. I don't know what the porch thing was but clearly it was nothing. Davis just didn't believe me. The night we got back to tree hill, he took me to Karen's. I knew something was off but I still wasn't expecting it.

"Did something happen between you and Jamie?" Davis asked. His eyes staring straight into mine as I looked up meeting his gaze.  Here we were sat down at a booth in Karens Cafe,I was looking through the menu even though I  knew it like the back of my hand and shock ran through me when he heard the words leave his mouth. I couldn't help but be surprised. "What NO! Why would you ask me that?" I got defensive and mad really quickly,which probably made me look guilty. I didn't mean to look guilty.

Our eyes never left each other's gaze and I could see him searching mine for an answer. The thing is nothing happened, I swear. "Okay." It was over just as fast as he brought it on. We were then just back to normal but really it wasn't normal at all.
Most of that days that followed that night Davis and I were quiet, we didn't say much especially after he asked me that dreaded question. It was although he knew something.

I mean he couldn't have known about Jamie trying to kiss me that morning at the lakehouse or the fact that I actually wanted to kiss James Lucas Scott back. There was literally no one else around us in that moment so how would he know?

There is no way he could have saw us. I mean I don't think he saw us. It seemed like he was ignoring me truthfully since that night. I sighed as I sat up walking to my mirror and fixing my hair. I'm sure everything is fine. I mean it's my birthday. Everything has to be fine. I looked myself over one last time before I walked out of the room. I headed the elevator analyszing that night over and over again.

Down the hall I went overthinking, stopping to put a smile on as I walked into another room full of laughter, music, and shouting. Grayson smiled at me as did Daniel. Daniel clapped his hands loudly as Grayson joined. Soon the whole party did. I laughed shaking my head. All eyes were on me except the ones I wanted most. Davis stared into his cup, Jude his twin was even clapping and smiling at me. Jamie probably wasn't even here. He started to distance himself even more from me if that was even possible after the almost kiss that i refuse to talk about.

The girls don't even know about it and I am not gonna tell them so I guess its my turn to start keeping secrets.

Grayson put his hand out to me as he yelled, "HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY BROOKIE!" The whole party shouted at me his word. I laughed as I grabbed a ride solo cup holding it up, "LET'S PARTY!" Everyone cheered.  Here we all were gathered together at hotel suite, the hotel was located right outside Tree Hill.

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