- Part 59 -

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Romano's P.O.V.

She's sleeping on my shoulder while I'm driving us home.

As soon as Matteo called me and told me what had happened I got into my car and drove of to get her.

Fuck, she's burning up and is pale in the face. I knew she had gotten sicker over the last few days but I assume she would be smart enough to listen to her body and take the rest she needs so that she wouldn't become sicker. Or in this case, tiring herself out till she passes out while training with her friends.

But guess I was wrong concerning I'm calling my doctor to come to my house so he can check up on her.

I have to admit, I'm mad at her. Why wouldn't she take care of herself so she wouldn't become this sick? Or even better, why did she kept denying it to me? But I put my anger away for now and just focus on making sure she'll get better.

When we arrive home I see Marcus getting out of his car, he's in his doctors coat while he's carrying his bag with all his needed supplies.

'Just on time' I think while getting out myself before going to the passenger side to pick Sarah up and bringing her inside.

Marcus turned to the sound of the of the doors open and close and spots us. He follows us inside and up to Sarah's room, I laid her down on her bed and watch carefully as he checks her and did some tests while she was half awake. She also answered some questions but when he didn't say anything she kept looking at me with the look I couldn't figure out.

Eventually my stare got to heavy for her as she broke our eye contacts and look at Marcus that was measuring her blood pressure.

He eventually stood up again and put the equipment he used back in his bag.

"You have a very high fever as you've probably noticed, mis. I recommend you take bed-rest until you start getting better and from there start slowly to do things like working again. " He started, making Sarah nod her head in understanding.

He walked up to me and handed me a bottle of pills "Make sure she takes this every day, one in the morning, one in the evening, they do have some side effects but nothing extreme, only a bit more sleepy and maybe she has to take a little longer to proses things." He informed me, I nodded my head and ask Charles to bring Marcus to his car. I heard the door shut close behind them with a click as I turned my attention back to Sarah that was sitting up in bed. She had her head down while she was playing with her rings on her hands.

I set down beside her, the bottle of pill's still in my grip.

"I'm sorry." She said softly while looking in my eyes with an emotion I can only describe as shame "I know you're mad." She finished.

"I'm not mad," I sight "I'm disappointed."

"That's worse." She said while letting herself sink into the bed. I smile softly and put a stain of hair behind her ear. "How are you feeling." I asked her, trying to change the subject knowing stress isn't something you want to give to an already very sick person.

She sight with a little laugh "I feel like shit." She admitted while pulling the blanked up to her chin, completely going under the soft and warm feeling her blanked gives.

I look the bottle of pills in my hand and decide to give her her medicine with her dinner.

"Go back to sleep and take some rest while I make you dinner, it should be ready in about an hour." I tell her while looking at my watch.

"Wait, you can cook?" She asked surprised while looking confused.

I let out a chuckle "Of course I can cook, why wouldn't I?" I asked her back while kissing her forehead and standing up.

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