Chapter Ten: The Meeting

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"Good morning to you all" Said Kagaya. His voice was incredibly calming. "You may rise" he continued. Ren and the Hashira rose still showing respect in the way they stood. Kagaya turned to Ren and smiled. "I asked for your presence here today Ren, because there are matters wish to discuss with you" Ren looked at him, he looked ill, there was a purple cursed mark covering his eyes, it looked like his flesh was rotting away. "Tales of what you did the other day have spread amongst the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps. An astonishing feat, slaying a demon as strong as one of the Twelve Kizuki" There was instant muttering from the other Hashira, only Rengoku and Shinobu were silent. "An astounding achievement" Rengoku's voice called loudly over the voices of the others. "I agree with Rengoku" said Shinobu raising her hand. "I as well" Said Kagaya, giving a slight bow in her direction. "Master" said a quiet voice from the far end of the Hashira line. "Yes Giyu?" he answered, quizzically. "How can you be sure this demon was as strong as one of the Kizuki?" his voice was dark and monotone. Kagaya looked at Shinobu, "I examined the blood sample I took from Ren the day she came back to the mansion, there were traces of poison at such potency that no demon not on a Kizuki level would have been able to produce it." Shinobu said to Kagaya loud enough and in such a tone that the other Hashira could all hear it and  couldn't contest it. "There you go, confirmation of the demons strength" "Master" came Sanemi's voice, "What does this mean for her?" "I wonder this too" said Tengen. "She defeated a demon on par with a Kizuki, isn't that the task set by the corps to become Hashira" "As much as I agree that she has achieved this feat, the demon was not officially a Kizuki" came Rengoku's voice. "I have the utmost respect for Ren and the kind of Demon Slayer she is, and she'll decline the rank of Hashira due to this technicality" Kagaya turned to face Ren, "Do you really share this view?" he asked her. Ren looked at him, "Yes, I wouldn't feel right being made a Hashira if the demon wasn't a Kizuki, everyone else achieved this by killing an official Kizuki, so should I" Her voice was resolute, Kagaya smiled in understanding. "Very well" he said calmly. "You will remain a Kinoe, though I will give you the same status as a Hashira, though you do not share the rank, you may take a Tsuguko if you wish, you may also be sent on Hashira tier missions" Ren nodded, "Thank you Master" she said. "I wish you all good day my children" said Kagaya bowing before turning to leave. "The same to you Master" replied the Hashira.

"So" came Tengan's voice "You're cuter than I expected" he was facing Ren now. He moved towards her and began to circle her. "Good build, exquisite figure, pretty face as well" he said examining her. Ren felt a hard smack on her butt as Tengen spanked it. She let out an involuntary gasp of surprise. The other Hashira, minus Tomioka, moved in protest, making sounds of disapproval at Tengens behaviour. "Tengan, please show her respect" said Rengoku loudly as he moved closer. Rengoku then stopped dead in his tracks, he saw the look on Tengen's face, it had gone from confident to fearful. Following his eyes, Rengoku saw that Ren had Tengen's left wrist in her hand. "Do that again and you'll lose your hand" she warned, the aura of menace oozing from her voice, he pulled his arm away from her, "Feisty too" he smiled backing away. "I should make you my wife" "You already have three, bone head" said Sanemi. "Besides" Ren joining in, "You're not my type" she added, aiming to wound with her words. "Then what is your type if I'm not" Tengen quizzed. Ren stared up into his eyes, brow furrowed. She didn't say a word, but realisation dawned on him. "Oh" he said "Well to each her own" he turned away. Samemi stepped forward. It looked to Ren that the Hashira wanted to take turns to talk to her. "I'm impressed" he said looking at her, "I thought you were being as incompetent as the lower ranked demon slayers but after hearing the issues you faced fighting that demon" he continued. He clapped a hand on her shoulder "Good job" gave what almost looked like a small smile and moved off. Gyomei took his turn, he towered over Ren. Ren being five foot six, she was already taller than the other demon slayer women, even some of the men, but Gyomei was taller than all the other demon slayers. "Congratulations on defeating such a strong opponent" he said, with the air of someone who sounded they were about to cry. "It's a shame demons are irredeemable" he added "I also hear you're the one to recommend Koba Yama to me" She nodded. "He's very talented, future Hashira material I think" Gyomei said, before bidding her farewell and walked away. Tomioka didn't say a word to Ren as he passed, blanking her. "Well then" said Rengoku's voice loudly. "I am impressed, you have surpassed me in terms of strength from what I heard" there was a hint of pride in his voice "You have given me a new goal" he laughed. Ren smiled. "Come, let us eat, I'm starving" "Me too" Ren said buoyantly, "Coming Shinobu?" she asked. Shinobu smiled, "If it's alright with Rengoku" she said. "Of course, the more the merrier" The three of them turned to leave before they heard a call from behind them. "One moment please Ren" Kagaya had returned. "I have one more gift for you" he said something wrapped in his hands. Ren moved closer to him. When the sound of her feet stopped, he offered her the wrapped gift. Taking it and unwrapping it, Ren saw that it was a new fox mask, it looked identical to her swords tsuba. "I had commissioned this when I heard what you did, I know it's not much but I thought I'd give you a gift for you to display in your annex" he said smiling, Ren blushed, not that Kagaya could see. "Thank you Master" she said, putting it in her pocket. Ren, Shinobu and Rengoku bowed farewell to Kagaya and left the estate.

"Tasty" Rengoku's voice called after every bite he took of his Miso Soup. He, Shinobu and Ren were all sat in a restaurant happily eating and talking. Ren was curious what Rengoku had been up to and was interested by the events that led to him being made a Hashira. He recounted what the demon was like and what its plan was when they were fighting. Then Shinobu began to think of a recent addition to the demon slayer corps. "Well, he's not so recent, he's been a demon slayer for a couple years, but I think he's interesting" She said cheerfully. "Ah yes" Rengoku said. "my father was the one who rescued him, I think his name was Iguro Obanai or something like that, when my father showed me a picture of him, I felt he looked a bit strange" "Why did Shinjuro have a picture of him?" Ren laughed. It was a few hours before they finished talking, after eating the three of them strolled through the town and woodland, it was a very pleasant day, Rengoku bid the girls farewell and walked away, Ren smiled, she already began to miss him. The girls made their way back to the Butterfly Mansion, Ren was watching a fox run along the path as the sun began to set.

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