Chapter 6: The Rooftop

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Clockwerk's time was up at long last. Words couldn't describe how satisfying it was to have both sides of the law fighting for the same cause. In the end, Sly got to steal the last pages, and a kiss from the lovely Carmelita Fox (It also made for a good scenery to sketch in my journal. I felt happy that justice was done, and not only that but on the way home, the gang even offered me to stay, in which I accepted without a hitch. 

"I'm going for my evening flight," I said, when we returned, "Let me know if you guys need anything."

Here I go again, flying and breathing a sigh of relief at yet another successful heist. Of course, I did more than just spreading my wings, I parkoured from building to impossible building. What I didn't expect, however, was to have yet another vision. In it, Sly was reading a map when the cops caught him. I turned around only to see Carmelita with her cheeks fully red, I could even hear her pulse racing, one thing was clear...

"This must be the night they met..." I thought, "But I didn't even touch the cane..."

Having this vision will prove very useful in the future, as you'll later see. But for now, it's just another entry for my little trinket of mine, that I doodled under Bentley's desk. Eventually, Bentley found me doodling from underneath, and to say that he was surprised to see me there was an understatement.

"Sangue, what are you doing here?"

"Just doodling some things I saw," I explained, "I'll leave."

"No wait, please stay, and possibly tell me what you saw?"

I was hesitant to spill the truth to Bentley, but he was firm so I decided to give him a little sneak peak.

"Mmhmm, and how often these visions occur."

"Every time I come into contact with an item or a location."

"And you draw them?"

"Yeah... but that's not the point."

Bentley raised an eyebrow. I continued, by saying that I wanted to figure out the meaning of them. Just then, Bentley noticed a black cord around my neck.

"Uhh, question, what's that on your neck?" He asks.

I brought forth a necklace made from the finest Obsidian. 

"It's my obsidian necklace, this was with me since I was left in that convent."

Bentley's jaw hit the floor."

"You what?"

It soon became clear that parts of my memory were locked, and it was only a matter of time before I had them unlocked. This was our little secret we kept between us, but I was still hesitant to tell this to Sly. I eventually told this to the crew, with a bit of hesitation, but they were willing to help... that was then... but they kept their word, even now.

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