Bus Stop Friends

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Were best friends!

That is until the bus ends..

Once were in class its like you don't seem to see me.

all your friends make us switch seats

understandable, who would ever sit by someone like me?

You laugh in my face and mock me if you do seem to recognize who I am

Its like i'm a stranger after the bus ends.

When I text you, you never respond.

I get ghosted by you for months.

Now this new girl is your " best friend" and shes your best friend even after the bus ends!

What happened to us? Did I do something wrong

Why do you ignore me every time you get mad? It's not my fault what they said hurt you to bad.

You hurt me too, whats the difference?

Oh I get it, when Ms. Perfect popular girl gets her feelings hurt gets her feelings hurt its the end of the world.

But when Ms. Nobody gets their feelings
hurt it doesn't seem to matter.

Im just a ghost to you right? Because thats what it feels like..

Every time shes around i'm invisible

every time i walk beside you, you seem like you don't even know I'm there.

You seem to hate the way I talk, walk, act, and dress.. Only after the bus ends.

maybe we should just stick to being bus friends?

Its fine though I get it!

I have decided to leave your home unhaunted!

I'll stop trying to make you laugh all the time as well!

Don't worry you wont need poltergeist to try and see me, after all you never really wanted to anyways did you?

Yet, once i tried all these things you didn't seem to even notice me..?

Maybe I really am just a ghost to you after all..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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