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The screaming was constant in her ears but she found it didn't make her want to stop.

The blood dripped from the girl's nose and from the boy's ears.

The rage was all consuming. They had insulted her. They had insulted her sister. They had insulted her entire species.

These were the witches that would never change. They would always see vampires as monsters. Werewolves as beasts. Siphoners as creatures that were never supposed to exist.

It was infuriating.

She almost preferred the dislike for being bipolar over their hatred of siphoners.

At least she knew that their dislike of her mental illness was stupid and their own problem that they had to deal with.

On the other hand, the pure loathing towards siphoners was based on the truth.

They were unnatural and beings that shouldn't exist. Siphoners stole magic rather than produced their own.

They could become heretics. Creatures that are deemed to be worse than vampires and werewolves combined. Worse than hybrids.

It made her so angry because it was real and she didn't want it to be real.

Siphoners were said to be born with darkness in their blood. It used to scare her.

Now as she watched them clutch their heads screaming, she found it didn't scare her as it had in the past.

They were right about siphoners. They weren't good but that wasn't her problem anymore, it was theirs.

Lizzie found that it felt like a trance. Watching them bleed. Watching them scream.

It didn't make her feel much but what she did feel was justice. A part of her was glad that they got to see that they were the weak ones. Not her.

She was stronger. Far stronger. That was what made her smile.

It probably made her look like a nightmare come to life. It didn't bring her happiness but she would lose no sleep over it.

Then it was over. Her rage. Their screams. Her trance. Everything.

It was silent now. Lizzie regained control. The magic in her system was gone.

She found that as she faced what she had done, she could feel the fear start to grip her.

She had done something horrible. Or at least, what her dad would describe as horrible.

It was something a monster would do.

She took a step forward, searching desperately for a rise in their chests. Nothing.

Lizzie didn't feel guilt but she was afraid. She had done that so easily that there was no doubt that she could do it again.

It was scary to know what one could be capable of. It was scary to lose control in a way she never had before.

This wasn't an episode. This wasn't a loss of control in her magic and emotions.

This was a darkness that she had never tapped into before. That she had never even reached for. Until now.

A part of her wanted to be angry at herself. She had proven their very words correct.

They claimed siphoners were born to be monsters. They were right.

She didn't care that they were dead. She cared about what would follow.

She cared about how everything would change.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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