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Name:Cecilia Cullen
Carlisle Cullen (big brother)
Esme Cullen (sister in law)
Edward Cullen (adoptive nephew)
Emmett Cullen (half of her mate)
Jasper Hale (adoptive nephew )
Alice Cullen (adoptive niece )
Rosalie Hale (other half)
Alexander Volturi (best friend)
Jane Volturi (best friend)
Felix Volturi (best friend)
Demtri volturi (best friend)
Marcus Volturi (father figure)
Cauis Volturi (soul brother)

Occupation: Interior designer, Clothing line,Shoe line, makeup line ,Trainer

Gift: sexual Manipulation,Darkness Manipulation,Electromagnetic (Voltage) Manipulation

Lives:Volterra, Italy


Language:British,Italian,French, Spanish,Egyptian (doesn't use it much)

Likes:Fighting,Reading, Writing, practicing her powers,Baking,thinking of different ways to have the volturi eat,Baseball

Dislikes: sitting,Aro s creepy laugh,The fact that Aro killed a mated pair,The fact that Carlisle let's Edward and Alice go unpunished,the fact that he let Isabella know their secret,The fact that Aro is power hungry

People she likes: Caius,Marcus,Jane,Alec,Rosalie,Emmett,Jasper,Esme, Paul,Leah,Seth,Charlie,Sue, Sam, Peter,Charlotte,Alastair,The Denali coven, Benji,Tià

People she Dislikes:Jacob,Bella,Aro,Afton,Chelsea,Renata,Sulpicia, Athenadora, Maria,Royce,Victoria, Laurent,Irina

Believes:Victoria and Maria are descendants,Bella and Elena are alike,Jasper shouldn't be at fault or guilty for his gift

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