Azriel x Nesta x Cassian

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"Seeing them spar had been overwhelming. Their beautiful forms, tattooed and scarred and carved with muscle, gleaming with sweat as they fought with a viciousness and intelligence she'd never seen ... She'd been sweating herself when they'd finished, wondering what it'd be like to be between those two male bodies, letting them turn all that lethal attention on worshipping her.
Elain would faint to hear such thoughts. And to hear that Nesta had already had two males in her bed not once but twice, and had enjoyed every second of it. But the males Nesta had shared herself with hadn't looked like Cassian and Azriel. Hadn't been Cassian and Azriel.
Nesta had made herself focus during the lesson, but as soon as she'd left them in the training ring, filthy thoughts had poured in, leaving her half-distracted while she'd walked down to the library. The thought of Cassian pumping into her mouth while Azriel pounded into her from behind, the two of them working her in tandem—"

Excerpt From
A Court of Silver Flames
Sarah J. Maas
This material may be protected by copyright.

        Nesta shook the thoughts from earlier that day from her mind. If she didn't cool down by dinner she didn't know how she'd face both the males again. By the look on Cassian's face after his sparring match with Azriel, he likely already knew what thoughts had been racing through her head. She could always deny it to him, but if Azriel scented the arousal on her at dinner... Cauldron spare her. She didn't think she could handle the embarrassment of him knowing what she'd fantasized about the males.
      Taking a deep breath, Nesta emerged from the sim hallway into the dining room. The table was laden with roasted chicken and vegetables, nothing extravagant but elegantly spiced so that they made Nesta's mouth water. Noticing Cassian already at the other end of the table, she quickened her pace until she was seated across from him. Azriel wasn't there, and she prayed he was away on one of Rhys' missions. With this much space between her and Cassian, dinner shouldn't t be too hard to get through.
     She nodded to Cassian, merely acknowledging his presence, and began to spoon food onto her plate. He smirked and began doing the same. "Didn't plan on waiting for me? You two wound me." Nesta heard from behind her. She froze as Azriel strode by and took a seat between her an Cassian. Flame burned her cheeks and she drained her cup of water, silently thanking the House for instantly refilling it. " I can hardly keep track of you coming and going these days Az, you can't blame us. I'm starving," Cassian grinned, in an almost feral way, while looking straight at Nesta. She rolled her eyes, "Apologies Azriel." Nesta murmured, her eyes trained on her plate.
Cassian cackled, "I think that's the first apology I've ever heard out of you Nes, missing missing our shadow singer lately?" Cauldron spare her.
      "Oh don't tease her Cassian. I think training was more than enough this morning." Azriel replied, a dark humor shimmering in his eyes. Nesta's eyes snapped to his. "What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped. Cassian glowed with triumph as Azriel said, " You don't really think we missed the scent you gave off as we sparred, do you? Why I tried so hard to beat Cassian in front of you? I think the only thing you learned during that lesson was how much you want not only Cassian, but also myself." Nesta shot up from the table. "You're both delusional domineering assholes." She spit, turning on her heel to stomp back to her room. All the while her cheeks heated and her core clenching, begging for those males to be in her, filling her.
    Nesta sat in her room, fuming with arousal, embarrassment, and frustration. She picked up her favorite smutty book thee times, and slammed it back down on her night stand three times before she got up to pace her room. It's not like the males had turned her down, seemed delighted even by the thought. Quickly, before she could lose her gall, she sent two notes to the males through the House, before hurrying to wardrobe to find her favorite slip.
    Not minutes later, there was a knock on her door. She rushed to it, pausing before she opened it. A deep, guttural voice said from the other side of the door, "Open up Nesta. It's not nice to keep your guests waiting." Azriel. Fuck. She expected Cassian to show up first. She opened her door slowly, and paused with half her body still hidden. Azriel smirked at her. His darkness swirling around him. Her pulse quickened as she thought of those shadows caressing her body. "Hi Azriel", she fought to keep the whimper out of her voice, but the words still came out sounding hoarse. "Are you going to invite me in, Nesta." Damn him, she wished he'd stop saying her name like that, like it was candy upon his tongue and he savored every syllable. She opened the door wider, stepping aside to let him in. He brushed past, closing the door and bring his face, his body, far to close to hers. "What's this note about, pet?" He purred, holding it up so she could see her fine scrawl. "I think that was meant for Cassian." She lied. "Oh no, I don't think so." He rumbled. "Because Cassian and I received the same note. I think we were right. And that you liked the sight of us this morning. Liked the thought of us both with you." He murmured, every word more damning and deadly than the last. And then she did whimper. "Fine. So what. Are you here to tell me off because Cassian couldn't stand to?" She fixed steely eyes on him. She would not balk from this, would not be ashamed, not in front of him at least. "Of course not," Azriel replied, placing hands on either side of her head, pinning her against the wall. "I'm here to wind you up, and dear Cassian can walk in, and watch as much as he delights before joining in the torture we plan to put you through." He said, as thought the words themselves weren't torture enough. The pounding between Nesta's legs deepened, her body going slack as a wetness dripped from the apex of her thighs.
        Azriel breathed in deep through his nose, his eyes darkening as he at last took in the full scent of her. His face changed then, from aroused to downright feral, and he gripped Nesta's arms above her head, further pinning her to the wall. "Say it." He ordered, his voice low and gravelly. She avoided his gaze and whimpered again. He nudged her face up to meet his eyes, shoving a knee between her thighs. She hissed as the cool leathers encasing his strong legs brushed against that wetness. "Say it." He said again, this time she could not disobey him as she uttered the fantasy that had ravished her mind all day. "I want you. I want you and Cassian. At the same time, filling me, pleasuring me, fucking me." She bared her teeth in what couldn't quite be called a smile. Azriel did smile then as her permission took hold of him and he descended on her. His lips and teeth met with the delicate skin of her neck. Nothing gentle here. She let out a moan as he bit and lapped at her neck, and she brushed her core against his thigh. Her hip brushed the hard proud length of him and he stiffened, his hands pinning hers so hard now that it hurt. But she didn't dare cry out in fear he'd remove himself from her. She tipped her head back as he worked ever downward, his lips moved over her peaked nipples, stills covered by that thin night gown. She moaned louder now as he nipped at her left bud, his hand moving over the right one. Her door opened and she opened her eyes to find Cassian staring at them.
      Nesta's pulse stopped as she waited for his reaction. Her mate seeing her like this, with another male, could easily enrage him as much as it could arouse him. And then he smirked and said, "Oh Nes, you look so beautiful all wrapped up in Az." She glanced down and sighed in relief and arousal to see his cock straining against his own Illyrian leathers. Azriel began to tease at her nipples again as Cassian began to undress himself. Once naked he began to stroke his length as he watched her be ravished by Azriel. She had never seen such fire in his eyes, and she stared into them even as she moaned Azriel's name.
        When Azriel heard her moaning for him he grew impossibly hard, bigger, longer and shed all but his underwear. She could see all of his hard length beneath, as he knelt down and began pressing hot, wet kisses to her inner thighs. They were not sweet kisses, but things of hunger. No, she would get nothing sweet from Azriel. That cold hunger lingered in his eyes. Nesta tore her eyes from Cassian stroking himself to look down at the shadow singer just as his tongue met with that bundle of nerves. She cried out and bunch her hands in his hair. Cassian was on her in a second. He devoured her mouth as Azriel devoured her clit, her pussy. Moving his tongue around and in her until she couldn't breath. Cassian moved to her breasts, removing the straps of her nightgown so that he could cup her bare, aching breasts in his calloused hands, the roughness of them sending tendrils of shock through her. He pulled and pinched and teased at her breasts while Azriel pleasured her from below and she sensed her breaking point nearing. She cried out as she broke apart, and the males supported her weight as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. When her orgasm subsided the males disentangled themselves from her for just a moment before Cassian picked her up and moved them all to the bed.
       He lowered her down onto her knees as he kneeled in front of her, and his large pulsing cock came into her line of sight. She was already dripping from her pussy, but now drooled at the sight of his cock. "Do you want me in you, Nes?"  Cassian murmured, and Nesta couldn't answer as he fisted a hand in her hair and lowered her mouth onto his cock. She swirled her tongue around the tip, before taking as much of him as she could into her mouth. Cassian gasped, his hand tightening in her hair to the point between pleasure and pain and Nesta moaned around him. Cassian jerked his hips, thrusting himself down her throat, and Nesta took it even as she gagged around him. This was how she liked it, rough, and a little bit painful, to add to the intense pleasure of it. She worked him in and out of her mouth. "Fuck Nesta." He groaned over and over as she swirled her tongue, her lips, her hand around him, and he matched her thrusting in and out of her pretty little mouth.
     Azriel was now stroking his own cock, watching Nesta devour Cassian. Cassian watched him as Nesta sucked his cock. He let out a grunt before Azriel moved to position himself behind Nesta. She arched her back, inviting him to fuck her. He eased himself to her entrance, his length slipping on her arousal. She moaned around his brother's cock and it was Azriel's undoing. He pushed into her, slowly but certainly not gently. She leaned back into him, practically begging him to shove his full hard cock all the way into her. So he did, snapping his hips, he thrust the rest of his cock into that tight sweet pussy of hers. She cried out around Cassian's cock and Cassian groaned in response. Azriel began moving in her. Once he sense she was comfortable with the movement between the three, a tandem of sorts. Cassian filled her mouth as Azriel pulled his length from her sweet wetness. Cassian pulling his cock almost all the way out of Nesta's mouth, so just the tip remained to be teased by her tongue as Azriel filled her again with his pulsing hardness.
       They were all drenched in sweat and arousal as they moved as one, nearing an orgasm together. Azriel pounded her pussy, feeling her tightening more and more around him. He stuck his thumb into her little pink asshole, and Nesta moaned. All at once then, she yelled as she began to climax, Cassian and Azriel following suit as she endured round after round of seemingly never ending pleasure. The males finished, Cassian filling her mouth as she swallowed every bit of it, and Azrial into that tight, sweet pussy. Finally, slowly, her orgasm came to an end, and the males, ever so slowly pulled out of her sensitive body, and lowered her onto the bed with a surprising gentleness. She nestled in between the Illyrian warriors, already fantasizing about round two.

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