"Harry Edward Styles, tell me you're not leaving already," Anne scoffs as I jog down the stairs, dressed warmly to go out. "You just got here!"
I laugh as I cross through the living room to hug her. "We had breakfast together, didn't we?"
"And then you went back to sleep!"
"I know, but this is really the only night I'll be able to see all the guys. Niall's going back to Ireland tomorrow, and...well, everyone's going their separate ways to see their families."
"You mean like you should be doing?"
I smile behind her back to my sister sitting on the couch with her boyfriend. "I'm yours for the rest of the week. Promise."
Finally, she reciprocated the hug, but I can tell she's still not happy about it. "Not too late."
I'm about to remind her that I'm nearly 27 years old and don't need a curfew, but instead, I give her a kiss on the cheek and agree before I grab the keys to her car to head out.
I miss Los Angeles, I really do. I miss the slightly warmer weather, the mountains, the sunshine, the ocean, the palm trees, the diversity, and Rowan. But God, does it feel good to be back in my own country, where people talk like me and don't marvel at my accent like I'm from another planet, where people drive on the correct side of the road, where there isn't a green juice bar on every single corner of every single street. I feel like I can breathe just a little bit easier with all the familiarity.
And the pubs. I missed the pubs.
I'm clearly the last to arrive when I see all my friends gathered around a booth, and it seems there's already a beer waiting for me at the end of the table. I laugh prematurely as Louis sees me first and points accusingly. Liam and Niall notice me next, calling me by my last name as they stand to hug me. I missed that too.
"You're just in time," Niall says, "we were just telling Zayn what a tragic mistake Los Angeles is, and he's already agreed to move back. Your turn."
"Right," I laugh as Zayn shakes his head with a smile. "It is good to be back, though, I'll admit that much."
"How are you really liking it over there?" Liam asks.
I take a decent pull from my beer first, nodding my head as I swallow. "It's different, but I like it a lot. It's the change that I wanted, so I'm happy there."
"Uh-huh," Louis smirks at me with squinted eyes. "We heard that a little French-American girl might have something to do with that."
My smile vanishes as I look at Zayn. He starts cracking up, followed by the guys doing the same as they call me out for it right off the bat. I wasn't necessarily planning on bringing Rowan up at all, because I knew they'd be able to tell that I have feelings for her without me even saying it.
"She's my friend," I retort. "She's my neighbor, that's all."
"Oh, c'mon, mate," Zayn tilts his head at me. "Don't insult her like that."
"She is!" I gesture vaguely, but my smile is giving me away. "We're good friends, how's that?"
Zayn hangs his head like he's disappointed in my answer, then goes on to explain on my behalf. "They do absolutely everything together. He takes care of her dog, she gave him a car, she makes him dinner every day, she–"
"Not every day," I argue like that helps at all.
"Don't interrupt," Zayn holds his hand up. "She comes to have lunch with him at work at least once a week, he spent Thanksgiving with her and her family, and before we left, they had a little Christmas gift exchange with each other after she taught him how to make homemade biscuits."

Nothing Good Gets Away
Fanfiction"There are several kinds of love. One is a selfish, mean, grasping, egotistical thing which uses love for self-importance. This is the ugly and crippling kind. The other is an outpouring of everything good in you-of kindness and consideration and re...