Act 1, Scene 7

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If this will really all be over once it's done, then it would be best to get it over with quickly. If the assassination of the king could be like a net—catching up all the consequences of the act within it—then the act would be the be-all and end-all of the whole affair. Then, at this point, I would do it and risk the afterlife. But for such crimes there are still consequences in this world. Violent acts only teach others to commit violence—and the violence of our students will come back to plague us teachers. Justice, being even-handed, forces the cup we poisoned and gave to others back to our own lips. The king trusts me twice over: first, I am his kinsman and his subject. Second, I am his host, and should be closing the door to any murderer rather than trying to murder him myself. Besides, Duncan has been such a humble leader—so honest and free from corruption—that his virtues will make angels sing for him and cry out like trumpets against his murder. Pity, like an innocent newborn baby, will ride the wind like a winged angel, or on invisible horses through the air, to spread news of the horrible deed across the land, so that a flood of tears will fall from the sky. I have no reason to spur myself to act on my desires other than ambition, which makes people leap into action and into tragedy.


What's the news?

He's almost finished eating dinner. Why have you left the dining room?

Has he asked for me?

Don't you know that he has?

We'll go no further with this plan. He has recently honored me, and I have earned the good opinions of all sorts of people. I should be basking in my new honor and position, not throwing it aside so quickly.

Were you drunk when you were so hopeful earlier? Did you then go to sleep, and wake up sick and pale in fear of what we planned before? From this point on I will see your love in a new way. Are you afraid to act on your desires? Will you take the thing you want more than anything else? Or will you live as a coward in your own mind, always saying "I can't" after you say "I want to?" You're like the poor cat in the old story, who wants to eat fish but refuses to get its feet wet.

I beg you, no more! I dare to do only what's appropriate for a man to do. Anyone who dares to do more is not a real man at all.

Then what kind of beast were you when you first told me about all this? When you dared to do it, that's when you were a man. And to actually do it in order to become king, then you'll be that much more of a man. The time and place weren't right before—but you would have done it anyway. Now the time and place are perfect, but it's as if their very perfectness unnerves you. I have breastfed a baby, and I know how sweet it is to love a nursing baby. But even as the baby was smiling up at me, I would have yanked my nipple from its mouth and dashed out its brains if I had sworn to do it in the same way you have sworn to do this.

But what if we fail?

We, fail? Just get a hold of your courage, and we won't fail. When Duncan is asleep—and he surely will be soon, after this day's hard journey—I'll get his two servingmen so drunk on wine and ale that their memory will disappear in the fumes of alcohol. As they lie in their piggish sleep, so drunk they might as well be dead, you and I will be able to do what we please. What will stop us from doing what we want to the unguarded Duncan? And what will stop us from blaming the murder on his drunken servants?

May you only give birth to boys, because your fearless spirit could only create males. Are you sure that smearing the two drunken servants with blood, and using their daggers to do the deed, will really make people believe that they were the ones who did it?

Who would possibly think that it could be anyone else? The two of us will wail with grief when we learn of his death.

I am convinced, and now I will use all my strength to achieve this great and terrible thing. Go now, and deceive everyone with a show of friendliness. You must hide your treacherous heart behind a false face.

They exit.

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