Coming back to nothing

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Pov. Buck (it's gonna be him most of the time)

After the scene with Eddie screaming at me at the grocery store I realised that maybe suing the city wasn't the best idea. I did that just because I wanted to get my job back, after Bobby said that I'm not ready to come at 100 procent even tho I was ready a long time ago. Lately I've Benn thinking about dropping the law suit but then I'm gonna be jobless without any friends only my sister, but i really want my job. While I was thinking my phone started to ring, it was my lawyer.

- Evan, I've got some good news!
- Hi l, what happend?
- We've won, if you'll take the money you'll get 7 millon dollars.

When he said it I was shocked. 7 million, was much way too much in my opinion. With that kind of money I could stop working and travel for years. But did I wanted it as much as I wanted to come to the 118.

- Yeah, about that, I won't be taking the money. I want to drop the law suit. I didn't want any money in the first place I just wanted my job back as a firefighter.
- You don't understand, we won. You can literally build a new fire station if you'll take the money!! - he said sounding pissed.
- But I don't want to buil a new one, I want to be back at my fire house with all of friends. So I wont be taking the money, sorry.
- You're gonna regret what you just did, after hours of me trying to find ifor action about the crew of that fire house l, you're seriously gonna just drop it. I can't believe you.

He said his little monologue and just hang up. I never really liked him he was kinda weird from the begining. Right now I'm hoping that if I dropped the law suit Bobby will let me go back, god I hope he will.

After 30 minutes of watching TV because that's all I got to do recently, I heard my phone ringing. It was Bobby, wy would he call me, maybe Chase already told him. I answered the phone.

- Hi Bobby.
- Hi Buck, your lawyer called and said that you dropped the law suit, it was about time.
- Yeah, i know. I'm really sorry, about all of it.
- I know you are - I heard him smirk as he said that - I figured you'd want to come back to the station?
- Yeah, if I could of course, if you'd want me there.
- You can come by my office tomorrow and we'll talk, is that okay?
- Yeah sure. That's all? - I asked.
- Yeah, that's all bye.

He hanged up before I even got a chance to say it back. Oh it will be fun. I'm finally gonna be a firefighter again.

Time skip to tomorrow

I was on my way to the statik with loud music riding in my truck. When I got to the station I saw Bobby's car, so I got out of my car I went in. As I was walking in I saw Hen and Chimney standing by an ambulance. I didn't really wanted to talk to then because I wasn't ready for the yelling that they haven't done yet. I just didn't fell like getting yelled at by anyone today. Unfortunately Hen spotted me.

- Hi Buck!! What are you doing here?
- Bobby wanted me to come and tal to him.
- Did he? - Chim asked.
- Yeah he called me yesterday and told me to come to tak to him.
- Good luck - Chim said as he walked away.
- So how have you been? - Hen asked.
- Pretty good, a little bored, but it's good - I said - and how you been?
- Good, things around here has been pretty hectic but it's been fine. It's a little quiet here without you.
- Yeah, I know I'm a little too much sometimes.
- Sometimes yes but not all the time.

As she was talking I saw Eddie coming in. I didn't want to cause any more scenes so I told Hen that Bobby was waiting on me and probably should go. Of course univers said screw you Evan and decided to let Eddie see me.

- What are you doing here? - he yelled, and started to almost run towards me.
- Hey, Bobby wanted to talk to me. That's all.
- I bet he didn't, you probably did something stupid again and came here to give Bobby another law suit - he said, and you could here the anger in his voice.

I'm not gonna lie, it did hurt that my best friend was that mean to me. I thought that out of all people he would've been the one to understand why I did what I did. I guess I was wrong.

- No, i didn't do anything. Bobby called me yesterday and told me to come and talk to him - I said and walked away, at the edge of crying.
- I better not see you around here no more - Eddie yelled.

I got myself together and went into Bobby's office. I knocked and when I heard an answer I came in.

- Hey Buck. Come sit - he said.
- Hi, Bobby, what did you wanna talk about?
- I wanted to talk to you about you coming back to the station, to work as a firefighter.

When I heard what he said, the only thing I wanted to do was to jump and hug him.

- But there are some conditions. You will be not coming with us on calls until I say you can, and that can be days, weeks, or even months if you pull something stupid. You'll be here by my rules, you'll listen to everything I say, when I say you have to clean the fore house you do that. Do you understand me? - he said
- Yeah I do.

That was unexpected, so the thing I did was for nothing and now I'm gonna do be doing the same thing I was supposed to before all this mess. Just great.

- So when can I start? - I ask him.
- Today, if you want to - he said.
- So what do you have for me to do today.
- Paper work - he said as he pointed at the stos of reports that needed to done.
- I better get stared then.
- Oh, and if you do get through this, you can mop the floors, upstairs and downstairs.
- Will do - I said.

That's not how I imaged coming back to work, but at least I'm here. That's all that matter. I took the reports and went to the desk that was empty.
As I was walking by I saw Eddie chimney and Hen laughing at something. Why did I have to be so stupid, know I don't have my old job back and don't have any friends. I shouldn't have sued anyone, and just suck it up. Why couldn't I just suck it up!

When I sat down I heard the alarm go off, and I saw Bobby running down to get to the trucks. I felt weird, and kind of useless, I don't know. I tried not to think about calls, or climbing ladders just tried to focus on finishing all of that paper work and to moving on onto my task for today.

I took another 3 hours to finish all the paper work l, but i was finally done with it. So now is the time to mop floors. I was surprised that they haven't came back from the call yet, it was kinda strange but I tried not to think about it too much.

As I started to mop the floors I heard the trucks coming in. They came back, and Eddie is gonna see me working at the station again, and he's probably gonna tell, again. God please don't let Eddie see me this time please.

As I was almost done with the upstairs I heard people coming up, so from that moment I knew that there's gonna be drama, and a lot of screaming. It was Bobby, Chim, Hen and Eddie.

- Oh, you're done? - Bobby asked.
- Here, yes just the down stairs and I'll be done.
- Bobby what is he doing here? - Eddie asked.
- I hired him back - Bobby said.

I heard Hen scream with joy as he said that.

- Yay, Buck welcome back!!
- Welcome back man!!! - Chimney said.

Hen gave in for a hug, so I hugged her, and I just shook hands with Chim. When I looked at Eddie, his face was full of shock, and anger and frustration. It was just awful to look at.

- So you don't want me here, that much? - I asked him.
- I don't want to here at all, because you left me and Christopher. Do you have any idea how hard it's been for, or even for me. How could you're not around! - Eddie yelled.

So I really fucked up that much. Gosh I'm so stupid. Why do I always think only about myself? Why can't I just be a normal human being, and act normal. I was at the urge of crying but I didn't let the tears fall.

- Don't worry he'll come around - Hen said.
- I hope he will - I said.
- Buck, you're done for today. Come back tomorrow, I'll have to give you some things tomorrow - Bobby said
- Sure, cap. Bye Hen and Chim.

I said as I walked out of the station. It felt good finally being back, but it also felt kinda weird. When I got into my car I yawned, why was I felling so tired. I didn't do anything today, how could I feel this tired. I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes and I went home.

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