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I could feel them moving inside me! It has been about seven months since I found out. I am glad Justin and I both have jobs, or this would have been very hard for us both to deal with. Justin and I have been dating for about six years now. I met him in my eighth grade year after trying to still chase chowder. I remember the day he told me that chowder did not truly understand me or women for that matter.  

I felt the gentle kicks of the two little ones that have been growing inside my tummy. I'm due in another three months. Placing my hand over the large beach ball that was my tummy, I began to rub in hopes to calm them down a little. I began to think about how this could affect the rest of our lives. Justin and I were not ready to have a child yet let alone twins. 

Justin and I were fresh out of college and we just moved into our own home for the first time. Overtime after chasing chowder Justin and I soon fell head over heels for one another. There was a time when Chowder finally grew the guts to ask me out and I sadly turned him down for that time, I was already too far deep in my relationship with Justin. He and I were already four months together. 

All I did was sit down and watch some Hulu. it was all I could physically do because my belly was so large. I am currently on paid maternity leave from my job, to take care of myself and the babies after birth. I started watching A good show on Hulu to pass the time while I waited for Justin to come home from work.

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