Chapter 1

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School finally begins again for my 8th grade year! I wake up in a gentle fog and quickly get myself dressed. Endive, my chef teacher woke me up this time for there was something she wanted to show me after school when I came back. I rush down the stairs after getting dressed. My breasts bouncing as I ran. This made me feel kind of silly and I have my seventh grade growth spurt to thank for that one. 

I met endive down in the kitchen to see what she wanted to show me. In the mean time I, grab my backpack off the kitchen hook and ate a flarp for breakfast. It was a heart shaped pastry and it was one of my favorite things to eat for it came in assorted flavors. My favorite was strawberry. I Ate my flarp as Endive began showing me what it was we would be working on for the night. I noticed a small white cube with green leaves at the top. "This Pinini is a No fruit. You pull the left leaf and it toggles through the various fruits in the world. It starts with no flavor until you wack it with your wooden mallet and it becomes a fruit by random  selection." I was always intrigued in learning to cook. Endive was like a second mom to me. yes we had moments that were hard at first when she took me in as an orphan, but everyone has to adjust in their own way. 

When I was young I never really knew who my real parents were. I was left alone in the world and locked up in that cruel house they called the orphanage. I was five years old when Endive met me for the first time. She was a lot younger then. I assume she was in her early thirties at the time of meeting me and adopting me as her own child. Even though I never knew my real family, I can't really say whether or not I was abandoned by them. I still to this day have no knowledge of whether or not I have a brother, sister, cousin or anything or anyone relating to my family in any way. All I knew and ever knew was myself and Endive, as well as my cursed dark past as a child. 

I Grabbed my things over my back and hugged Endive goodbye. She called out for me in the hallway. "Make sure you don't forget about our project after school we got a few orders to fill today and I don't want you to be late." I smiled at her waving goodbye. "I promise Endive! I will be home immediately so we can start! See You after school!" I say as I rushed off to the bus stop. My speed walk to the bus stop I noticed Chowder, Justin and Gorgonzola talking to each other. I have been chasing Chowder for my entire life and normally I would be excited to see Chowder, but today felt different. 

Something in me knew he was never interested in dating me My heart had a depressed sinking feeling. I felt for a moment seeing him again, that I could never feel truly happy. I waited for the boys to get on the bus first before making my way across the street to board. Gorgonzola and Chowder sat next to each other and it surprised me that they became friends now after being rivals when we were young all those years ago. The only seat available was next to Justin in the back of the bus. I sat down trying to hide my sadness. It was hard and it did not take too long for a small tear to fall from my eyes and then another. 

Justin took notice and in my side vision I could tell. He seemed concerned. "Panini, are you okay? Is there something making you sad?" I swallowed my sniffles and had no choice but to tell him. So here it goes. "I hope you wont be upset if I told you." "Not in the slightest Panini! Everyone has a right to tell me what is going on. I wanna help if I can." I smiled for a minute, i felt happy to know that a guy actually cared about how I felt. "Well if you must know, It's about Chowder. I have had a crush on him for my entire life basically and all he does is ignore me and scream I am not your boyfriend for the world to hear. We are going into high school now and becoming adults and it feels hurtful and immature that he still does it. I just want to be loved back that is all I ever wanted." I cried using my arm to wipe away my tears. "Sounds Like To Me you are chasing the wrong guy. What you need is a guy who feels for you too. It is clear to see Chowder doesn't truly understand what love means. You are a very beautiful girl Panini, I'm almost certain you will find someone better! For now you need to look at moving on from Chowder." Justin said reassuringly. 

I looked down for a minute to take what Justin said.  Maybe he was right all along, Chowder does not understand love and has the maturity of a nine year old boy. I felt for the first time a warm embrace of a hug around me from Justin. Even though he talks to Chowder too he and I are still very good friends. We became best friends last year. It felt really nice to feel cared for. I embraced his hug slowly gathering my bearings.  I began to think about it that maybe what I was looking for was right here next to me in this very bus seat. I look at Justin still hugging me to cure my pain and that was when I did it. I kissed him on his cheek, to thank him for caring so much about me and showing me that what I was looking for was sitting next to me this entire time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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