Update: What I've been doing and why I haven't posted

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Hello everyone I wanted to update everyone about what has been going and I'm not sure how much of shown Conversations I post fair warning it's a little dark.

I started as just writer's block then it became laziness (I don't like forcing myself to write too much if I don't feel like writing cus 9 times out 10 I end up dissatisfied.

Then on June 4 2023 we had a deaths in the family my Great grandmother of old age who's funeral left me physically and emotionally drained and my sister's kitten who I was watching at the time it was an accident there was no sound (which I chose to mean it was quick cus if not I'll go fucking insane) we didn't find the body until we went to feed him dinner everyone tells me it wasn't my fault but I can't help feel like I failed him and my sister (sometimes I just want a scream).

I've experienced too many animals deaths 2021 my cat (my familiar as I liked to call her) I've had for 20 years passed away of old age (out her as a kitten as a kid) then in 2022 we found some kittens abandoned by their mom we took them in but 3 out of the 5 died from being premature (we kept the last 2 mines named Hades) then this year a family friend's dog passed away from poison potentially given on purpose by a neighbor he's had problems with (makes me want to fucking strangle them if that was the case).

But don't worry I have edibles and I've found comfort in one of my favorite movies Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School and rewatching Kamen Rider Wizard (my first and favorite Rider) and I've been slowly getting back into writing which has been helping me.

Sorry to dump this on you I needed to vent and felt I need to explain why. Hope you'll keep reading and enjoy

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