The Chosen One's

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Daniel shivered in the morgue van as he watched the bodies being carried out by police officers and loaded up in the waiting vans

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Daniel shivered in the morgue van as he watched the bodies being carried out by police officers and loaded up in the waiting vans. It had been a long night at the ranch and forensics were still going about their business, gathering data. He had seen a few police officers throwing up, unable to handle the horrors they had seen inside the ranch inside the ranch house and the underground maze of tunnels that were built beneath it.

After a rein of terror that had lasted ten long years, serial killers Silus and Kara, along with their deranged followers were finally dead. And so much evil could be put to rest for good now. Hopefully that peace would last as long as necessary until the next psychopathic killer struck.

"They're done, Detective," said Gina, stepping into the van beside him.

"Thanks, Gina."

The two of them looked back at the gruesome scene of death. They stood watching the last of the police cars drive away.

"You okay?" asked Gina, placing a gentle hand on Daniel's shoulder.

He nodded. "I am fine, just…tired."

"Understandable after everything we've seen tonight," she said. She leaned back in her seat, unstrapping her Kevlar vest and handgun and dropping them in the seat behind her.

The van doors opened up and several police officers loaded up two body bags into the back.

"Is that them?" Daniel said nervously. "Is that Silus and Kara?"

Gina looked through the window that looked into the back of the van. She saw a police officer sat down next to them with his twelve gauge shotgun. A paramedic unzipped the bags to take one last check of the bodies. Gina saw the two lifeless forms sitting on a stretcher surrounded by paramedics. Their faces were pale white with traces of blood smeared around their noses and mouths.

She swallowed hard before turning her gaze away.

It felt unreal to look at the bodies that were now laying motionless and cold.

"You must be a hero now," commented Daniel. "The cop that finally put down both Silus and Kara."

Gina did not reply. She didn't feel like a hero after seeing the bodies of their victims. Her own body felt beat up after her battle with the deranged couple and she was glad that they were both dead. But she knew that her job wasn't over yet.

There was still much work ahead of her before the next victim was found. There would be many more corpses to transport to the morgue.

As much as she'd hate to admit it to herself, she was glad that she couldn't be a part of any more death.

"Are you sure you won't let me tag along tomorrow? I promise I'll be safe and you won't need to worry about me," said Daniel. "I'm used to getting injured and being in hospitals."

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