Drarry smut

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It was 1am and Harry couldn't sleep. He had a lot of stuff on his mind lately and he couldn't get himself to relax and wind down enough to fall asleep.

After a few more minutes of laying in the dark he realized that this was going nowhere. He had to clear his mind, going for a night walk around the castle always seemed to work.

Harry casted a silencing charm and got up from his bed. Since it was still warm out he decided that he didn't need to get dressed, I mean it's not like anyone would see him anyway.

He dug into his trunk and grabbed his invisibility cloak, he didn't feel like looking for his map so he just let it be.

He quietly exited the boys dorm and made his way through the gryffindor common room. He knew nobody was awake but he was still making sure to be extremely careful as to not wake anyone up.

When he finally exited the portrait he let out a breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding.

It's nice to be alone, So peaceful. He wished he was alone all the time.

Harry started to make his way around the castle. He wasn't going anywhere in particular he just wanted to clear his mind.

Draco laid quietly in his bed waiting patiently for 1am to arrive. It had been a while since he had gone hunting and he was starving. He had to eat soon because he was getting very restless.

When if finally hit 1am he jumped out of bed and practically sprinted out of the slytherin common room. Luckily he had a silencing charm because if he didn't he would have most definitely woken up all of hogwarts.

He was running across the halls, he didn't even care if anyone saw him at this point because he needed to eat!

He was running so fast he didn't notice the trap door he was about to run across but when he had noticed of corse, it was way to late.

He fell into a hole and the door closed up.

"What the hell!" Draco was beyond pissed at this point. He had waited so long to feed and now he couldn't because he was stuck in a stupid hole.

He couldn't get himself out with a spell because in his rush he had forgotten his wand. There was no way out unless someone got his out.

"Let me out!!" He tried screaming but nobody was answering. He just continued to scream in hopes someone would hear him, but that's only if anyone is even awake.

"I'm so screwed."

He had gone on his walk around the castle and honestly it didn't work. He was still stressed and he knew when he went back to his room he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. But he couldn't wander the halls forever.

He was about to turn a corner when he heard something. He paused for a moment and was about to leave just thinking it was his imagination when he heard it again.

"This is so ridiculous!"

What the hell? The voice sounded weirdly familiar.

He made his way over to where he heard the voice coming from. "Hello?" Harry called out.

"Get me out of here!"

"... malfoy?" Harry knew he recognized that voice. He was about to leave him but he knew that would be to cruel even if it was Malfoy he was leaving.

"Potter? Whatever! Get me the hell out of here!" Malfoy sounded anxious but that was reasonable since he was stuck in some random place at 1 I the morning. Any sane person would be anxious to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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