don't stand so close to me

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After Y/N's abrupt departure at lunch, the boys all voted for Eddie to go and check on her. 

"Shit guys, why me? Why can't one of you do it?" Eddie complained, slipping his jacket on. He was stubborn, but the little shits were more so. He knew he wasn't getting out of this. 

"Because man, it is kind of your fault she left," Dustin said, a stern look on his face, almost like he was lecturing Eddie, "besides, why do you guys still hate each other? Y/N saved your life!" Dustin then exclaimed. 

Eddie hissed at him, "Keep your voice down, Henderson! God, fine, I'll go. See you assholes later." And with that, Eddie went to find Y/N. 

Sometimes even he wondered why he disliked the girl. She did save his life, although he didn't ask her to. It made him feel more pathetic, to be saved by a girl. Especially that girl. Despite their history, Eddie couldn't stand Y/N. They used to be so close, going through thick and thin together. He'd never told a soul but - Eddie used to have a crush on Y/N. However, that was long gone. Once they started high school, she became intolerable. While Eddie stayed the same, his non-conforming, no-bullshit self, Y/N changed. She'd rather be nose deep in a book than hang out with Eddie, she started wearing preppy clothes and even went as far as joining the cheer squad; Y/N hated sports. Before long, she had turned into a stranger; Eddie didn't know her anymore. She still, however, found time to sit with him every day at lunch. He couldn't decide whether he was annoyed by this or grateful. 

As he approached the treeline, he thought of what to say to the girl. He wasn't going to apologise, no. He wasn't sorry. Maybe he should just tell the truth, that Dustin sent him because he was worried about you. Yeah, that'll work. 

Y/N sat on top of the bench, her back to Eddie. She was facing out into the woods, seemingly in another world. Eddie tried to sneak up on the girl but failed miserably as a twig broke underneath his shoe. Y/N's head snapped towards Eddie, startled by his presence. Upon seeing him, she let out a sigh of relief. 

"Jesus, Eddie. Don't do that." Y/N sighed, taking a hit of what seemed to be a joint. Eddie laughed.

"What, come check up on you? Sorry, sweetheart. Dustin's orders," He took a seat next to her, "didn't know you smoked that stuff anymore. Thought you changed." Y/N looked at Eddie. She could almost see concern written on his face, but maybe it was just the weed. She sighed and offered Eddie the joint, allowing him to take a hit. 

"The Upside Down shit fucked me up. Needed a release." Eddie nodded in understanding. Every night, his mind was plagued with visions. The bats, almost bleeding out... the look on Y/N's face as she tried to save him. He understood.

"I'm not that different, Eddie. I don't know why you're such an asshole all the time now." Y/N snatched the joint back from Eddie, he'd only taken one hit. 

With a sharp exhale, Eddie jumped up. Y/N could sense his anger, but she wasn't in the mood to fight.

"Oh, I'm the asshole? You abandoned me for those sporty losers and those preppy cheerleaders, that's not you Y/N!" He got closer, "You're not you anymore." Eddie said softly, only slightly above a whisper. 

"You're right. I'm not." She took Eddie's hand and forced her half-finished joint between his fingers. With one final look, she pushed past Eddie and headed back towards the school. 


chapter title

don't stand so close to me by the police

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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