New job

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Oviee's pov :

I was sitting at the table watching Omi play with her toys while watching tv while I was looking for a job that payed well when I came upon the mega pizzaplex job applications and saw something.

[ security : full ]
[ chef : full ]
[ janitor : full ]
[ waiter : full ]
[ animatronic careworker : full ]
[ other jobs : full ]
[ daycare manager : open ]

I clicked on the daycare manager and applied for it and I got a message that said "When you get a call from one of our manager we hope you can answer our questions and if you do we will consider giving you the job! If you have any questions ask the manager! Now have a great day!" I wrote down the number that was in the email and I went to Omi and said "Hey omi! Do you want to help me get things out for dinner?" She stood up and nodded so we went into the kitchen and I decided to put her learning to the test and opened the fridge kneeled down and said "okay omi! Can you tell me where the cheese is?" She walked closer, opened a drawer and pulled out a bag of Colby jack cheese and said "CHEESE!!!" I nodded and said as I grabbed the cheese "good job omi! Now where is the butter?" She looked around and pointed up to a shelf she couldn't reach and said "too high!" I grabbed the butter and closed the fridge saying "great job Omi! Now let's get the bread , pan and spatula and make dinner!" She put her arms up as I grabbed the other things we needed and picked her up and said "Now I can't hold you while cooking so how about you make me something in your kitchen?" I put her down and she ran off as I started cooking grilled cheese! And after we ate I put Omi to bed and fell asleep on the couch.

( timeskip brought to you by Omi! )

Oviee's pov :

I woke up to what I thought was my alarm when I saw it was the number from the application so I picked it up and said "hello?" The man on the other end said "hello is this Oviee Starvoid?" I then said "yes sir it is! How may I help you?" He then said happily "well I would like you to answer some questions to see if your right for the job! Is that okay with you?" I then said "sure" He then asked me questions like why did I want the job, my age, my gender, etc... and then he said after a good five minutes of silence "alright I think I could say that your hired! Welcome to the family! Do you have any questions?" I then said "yea actually, I have a little sister that I can't get a babysitter for and since I'll be working in a daycare can I take her with me?" He then said "sure, just know that we are not responsible if she gets hurt as she is your sibling, do you understand?" I talked to him agreeing on what he said and then he said "well since you have my number just call me if something is wrong on your first day! Oh and you can make your own uniform as long as it's daycare themed just by a bit since all of our daycare uniforms got destroyed while in storage when monty got mad once. Is that alright?" I then said "sure! I'll get to it now! When do I need to be there?" He then told me the time I had to be there and what I could call him, either Luke or Mr. Wilson so after he hung up I got ready for the day and went to Omi's room. I walked in to her room and started waking her up saying "come on Omi! We gotta go to the store!" She sat up rubbing her eyes as she looked at me and said "we going bye bye?" I then said "yes Omi we are going bye bye!" I then got her out of bed and got her dressed in a white shirt, some pink overalls and some little cute black shoes with velcro straps and gave her the monty headphones she got for Christmas last year. After I did her hair I took her to the kitchen and gave her some cereal. After I did that I grabbed my bag and opened the door for Omi to walk out as I said "Okay Omi stand right there while I lock the door." She nodded and sat at the top of the stairs as I locked the door and when I finished I grabbed her hand as we walked down the stairs to the ground level and when we got outside I picked her up and put her in the back of the car and strapped her in and hopped in the front, started the car and pulled out of the driveway heading towards the store down the street. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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